
I don’t get the appeal, especially since I read in today’s paper that they’re shrinking the potties even more to wedge in more seats!

Flip the script, and someone live tweets your deeply personal argument that you know you shouldn't be having on the plane but you are. Let's try decency for a while.

Awful how? Because he had his privacy invaded and tried to do something positive with it?

How does Euan suck, exactly? His privacy was violated too and now he is the bad guy because he is trying to be positive?

I read somewhere that he’s a model - he was probably just using shots he already had.

I got this on Netflix before streaming was a thing, heard it was such a tearjerker, was looking forward to crying and had a fresh box of kleenex next to me, and... nothing. Didn’t hate the movie, just felt manipulated and indifferent.

“Would of?” Nope. No longer hot, Mr. Holden.

Yes, they cut back and forth between some random old man reading the story of a young couple’s love to an old woman. It turns out to be a notebook where he wrote down their love story so that he could read it to her over and over as she faded into dementia. And {SPOILER ALERT!!}

I asked my mom who is a fan of the movie and she told me the appeal is that in her experience men are never constant in their affection. The Ryan Gosling character loved the female lead for years and years and that is hard to find. I have to clarify that my father was a serial philanderer. 

So, I got spectacularly dumped in the summer of ‘04, and took it really hard. I watched The Notebook at the height of my batshit grief phase, and it became one of those things that sticks in your post-breakup brain as really important, for whatever reason. When I met a guy months later, I made him watch it with me

Kelly Faircloth sounds like a girl after my own heart. I have NEVER gotten the love for this movie, other than Ryan Gosling’s hotness, maybe? I haven’t watched it in probably 10 years, but I remember Gosling’s character being an emotionally manipulative a*hole, while James Marsden was a perfectly fine choice who was

I'm betting these people didn't read his books. Raw in particular features graphic descriptions of years of struggle with suicidal ideation and numerous self-destructive attempts. 

My sister recently took her life. It’s been devastating. Through the highs and lows of extreme grief, the only constant is the guilt and regret. I can’t even imagine what it would be life if people weren’t reassuring me but blaming me. I don’t know if I’d survive it.

There’s a local lunatic here in Seattle who for over a decade has had a public access TV show called Kurt Cobain Was Murdered. All this twitch does is film this crap blaming Love and air it over and over. 

Exactly part of the problem. Women need to stop attacking each other as well. That’s just giving these men what they want.

Thank you so much for the kind words. I appreciate it. <3

Oh honey, I’m so glad. And so sorry.

Holy fuck are you seriously trying to coach complete strangers on how they should conduct themselves in their relationships? This is wild

You say that but you should see the vile people spit about Courtney in relation to Kurt’s death. There have been documentaries made that make it look like she had people kill him.

I think just about every day I wonder what the fuck is wrong with people.