
Remember back when Kentucky Fried Asshole was worried about Hillary getting a SCOTUS pick?

I wish Trump and his supporters the worst. No sympathy. Womp! Womp!

You engraved the wrong name!’s Gorman

All you fucks who didn't vote in protest or voted thurd party and came here to bitch; fuck you and die. 

Killer Mike, Susan Saradon, Colin Kaepernick, and all the fucknuts of America, THANK YOU YOU DUMB FUCKS

I think everyone is missing the biggest part of this...

Anyone who thought trump would pick a justice for any other reason than to protect himself from the Mueller investigation was delusional.

This really seems to be an article that is more concerned with political results, not judicial philosophy. If a judge is consistent on how they apply the law, then they will eventually have rulings that go against their personal political views.

Welp. This sucks.

Those women blame women for being raped. The only “true” rapes are when someone breaks into your house and attacks you, and then it’s partially your fault for not having a good enough security system.

That’s one of the most depressing things about Miss America. It’s the largest scholarship organization for women.

Basically, the only option is full on violent revolution by the left or you can kiss this little experiment called the U.S. goodbye.

A few days after Trump mocked the #MeToo movement. He enables this kind of behavior. His followers see it, figure since he does it, they can too, and do it.

I know! What a weak fucking response. Is this the best we can expect in the age of Trump? Bald faced lies and denials? Fuck that. 

They apologized for those offended? Not to those offended? What a shitty non-apology.

Yup. My first thought was “Sure Jan” (I’m sure someone will post the GIF)

The “skit” wasn’t in the script and wasn’t authorized.

Good for her, I hope she goes on to do great things.

claiming the skit had not been in the competition’s script and had not been authorized by the board