
What if Roe v. Wade falls? Will conservative single-issue abortion voters, satisfied with their hard-fought victory from their decades-long battle emerge from the miasma and suddenly be able to appreciate the pro-life policies of liberals and turn on the Republicans? No, they will come for birth control next, and then

And you know what? This isn’t only about abortion, because their next step will be to do away with all babykiller pills, OKA, birth control. Need it for a actual health issue, tough luck slut, you should have had better genes.

Tell me how these events are not leading to the Handmaid’s Tale dystopia?

It’s time to stop having sex with men.

Especially “fuck you” to those who did it in swing states. Fuck my friends white, cis, gay male friends who are still trying to say she was as bad. (I am losing those friends as my temper flares)

Not What If, but when. It will happen now.

This is a fucking nightmare

It’ll take some time for the challenge to rise all the way up to the Court, but it will almost certainly happen at some point in the next 18 months. The question is just how bad the damage is - whether we “only” get a strike-down that returns the issue to the states, or they go for a broader “abortion is

If Roe falls, we need to build a safety net of our own. Have doctors who are willing to do procedures that break the law for the sake of a moral society that lets women have a choice in their pregnancies. Import the meds however we can. So on and so forth. We can Underground Railroad this shit.

It’s going to fall. So crazy. The U.S. is in for a dark dark period as Republicans move towards a majority Christian Nation - under God and mostly men and most of those men white

well, the former requirement of a majority of 60+ in the senate did mean that there had to be either compromise or a massively popular single party to appoint a justice. But yeah since that’s gone, it’s all fucked. 

I think he believes that his timing is because its end of term, and he would be appalled that anyone could think he was motivated by politics, but if he really did think that the writing on the wall was that Trump was on his way out, why wouldn’t he just wait until that happened instead of risking it. Also, replacing

Republicans could literally do this right now then change the rules to require 2/3 vote of the Senate to change the number.

The timing is it’s end of term. 

At this point we should just directly elect justices. The Founders reasoning for lifetime appointments died the minute McConnell said he wouldn't do his job.


28 U.S.C. Chapter fucking 1. Last I checked, there’s no constitutional amendment holding the number of justices at 9...take Congress, hold until Cheeto man is out (I have hope), then add 6 justices...the Republicans can cry all they f’ing want, it’s chickens coming home to roost for all their BS. Yeah it’s radical,

Elections matter.

HA HA HA HA HAAAA.  RIP Roe, RIP freedoms, RIP America.  McConnell got exactly what he wanted.  Stupid slimy motherfucker.  My hatred for him is almost greater than my hatred for Trump.  So everyone send him hate mail today calling him a slimy motherfucker and thief, and call your representatives and remind them that

I repeat, To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.