
Cults like everyone to look the same...

Wow, all my fan fiction is coming true.

The NY Post article explains it: Williams was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and given a decent prognosis (with medication he had “another 10 good years”). However, the treatments did nothing and he suffered additional complications he thought were results of his past drug abuse. An autopsy showed he had Lewy body

I think William and Catherine have done an excellent job with making the monarchy relevant to modern day society. So has the Queen, actually. Some examples: The Queen changed the Succession to the Crown Act so that a female heir to the throne isn’t bumped down the line in the event of the birth of a male sibling (she

Lewy body dementia, also known as dementia with Lewy bodies, is the second most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer’s disease dementia. Protein deposits, called Lewy bodies, develop in nerve cells in the brain regions involved in thinking, memory and movement (motor control).Aug 9, 2017

You’re correct, it was Lewy body dementia.

I am so sad for Robin Williams. That NYP post is torturous to read.

There are two authors whose fans I absolutely dread - Ayn Rand, who was just smart enough to rationalize her own creepy selfishness, and then packaged and that relentless self interest for a much dumber group of assholes to consume and adopt. And David Foster Wallace, who is to pretentious faux-existential nonsense

Being a DFW fanboy is one of my red flags when I start dating someone. The venn diagram of those guys and chronic mansplainers is a circle. This gives me even more reason to nope out when someone starts talking about Infinite Jest on the first date.

I read someone on Twitter comment that biographers tend to develop a kind of Stockholm Syndrome towards their subjects.

I guess I owe Mary Karr about 20 cents. On my daughter’s recommendation I purchased a copy of Infinite Jest but I could not slog through all that pretentious garbage, so after reading less than 100 pages I abandoned it in the laundry room of my apartment building. The book, where it addressed subject matter at all,

I’ve known enough assholes whose favorite writer is DFW that its now an instant red flag for me. I didn’t know about Karr but I’m definitely not surprised.

“Thank you. Everybody in America owes me a dollar who read Infinite Jest.”

In his book Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace, D. T. Max mentioned in passing that Wallace “threw a coffee table” and “tried to push Karr from a moving car,” which Karr said is “about 2% of what happened.”

This was so beautiful. Bless you.

So over the tortured-genius-male-author bullshit.

*jerking-off motion*

DFW intensely loved dogs, and his harassing, stalking and threatening women with violence made him a really fascinating guy and great writer. Got it.

I know somebody who went to the worst law school in Georgia that routinely loses their accreditation but this woman was a bad bitch and super, super sharp. She is an immigrant and I think that probably had something to do with her choice. Meanwhile I went to a good law school and I am a moron lmao.

I really want to watch Last Man on Earth b/c I love Will Forte, but I hated Hazel so much that I can’t bring myself to watch anything with Schaal in it.