On that issue, that’s not true. She’s fought for a better process for sexual assault victims in the military to get crimes dealt with against establishment opposition.
On that issue, that’s not true. She’s fought for a better process for sexual assault victims in the military to get crimes dealt with against establishment opposition.
Ted Bundy volunteered at a suicide crisis hotline, what a guy!
It’s like the letter all those people signed for Roman Polanski. He still raped a child, and there are many still getting blowback for lending their support to that creep. It does nothing to ameliorate anything.
I’m not that cynical, yeah that’s probably part of it, but I think people even feminists have a hard time dealing with the fact that someone that they admire or have a close relationship with can turn out to be a shitty person.
Seriously, Maria Shriver? You had no idea your husband had a son with your housekeeper even though he looks more like Arnie than your own kids but you’re sure a guy you only know from work never made a pass at anyone? Lol,okay.
I get that news media is a very difficult field for women and was more so even a decade ago never mind farther back than that when many of these women were coming up. And I do get the urge to stick by one of the few established men who treated you, as a woman, with respect and even offered guidance. I don’t doubt it’s…
Also, I understand why they only went after women to get statements of support, by that pretty much means that women have to act as a human shield for Brokaw and men don’t.
Brokaw’s denial was pretty gross. No one perp-walked you, dude. Making the news isn’t what that means.
Well for starters, Tom Brokaw isn’t trying to claim that somebody hacked into his penis.
It’s gross, isn’t it? Like only workplace harassers are clearly labeled with a sign around their necks and wear nothing but trenchcoats? Oh he’s a well-liked nice guy? Okay then he could never be a jerk.
“He never harassed me” is not the same as “he’s never harassed anybody”.
Oh, he is. He has some made-up special senior correspondent position where he works on passion projects and has NBC News airtime set aside to talk about them. I imagine this was all negotiated while he was still an anchor.
Or, what’s even more likely, that he was both great and wonderful and a boorish creepy asshole to the women making statements against him. I’ve know plenty of men who behaved badly towards a woman and then just stopped and did the right thing by her anyways as if harassing was a type of hazing.
Ugh, the ‘ole “he was always nice to me” chestnut.
Fuck man. What is the fucking point of these letters and statements? Do these people not understand that people are complex and present themselves differently to different people. Do they really find it wholly inconceivable that Tom Brokaw could have been great and wonderful to them and STILL have been a boorish…
It’s been interesting to see the re-write of history that’s been going on since that times centuries ago when the Weinstein story broke.
This is the root of it, the view that women aren’t people with their own thoughts and feelings and personalities at all, but simply trophies to be won and prominently displayed like in a video game.
What is ironic here - is that people are so toxic precisely because they are not nice people. If these idiots were just more personable - and utilized the Golden Rule as a general guideline for their behavior, they shouldnt have any problem finding a mate. Like Raylan Givens said:
a weaponized version of the “nice guy”?
I really hope someone has done or is doing some in-depth scholarly work on incels. They clearly seem to be related to the notion of the “nice guy” (perhaps being a weaponized version of the “nice guy”?), but regardless of origins or of any typology we could create, it seems like at the core it’s a reflection of, yes,…