
When Trump dies and god knows I want it to be soon and painful not one kind word needs to be said about his fat ass. For real this idea of not speaking ill of the dead needs to be put in the casket that will encase his bloated, fried food filled, shrimp dicked ass. I know Fox News will engage in verbal fellatio that

“How long depends on Trump’s bank account vs his id.”

I think it would be better if they get it, get sick and removed, Nancy Pelosi is President and they survive. Because I am a petty bitch and love to think about what would hurt people the most while I eat my salad.

I refuse to be petty.

If you have contact with him currently call him up and tell him HE IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE DOING THE KICKING on that stage;)

He’s like a real life version of Kif.

You win the day with “Coron, A Virus.”

Horribly the most moral and patriotic thing Dr Fauci can do is kiss Trump’s ass however he likes so he doesn’t get fired and replaced with a yes-man whose main concern is how to hide the mass graves. And he seems to know it.

I wish Dr. Fauci would explain to Trump that there are no ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in this ‘war’ against this ‘invisible enemy’. Or maybe he has.

i hope he fucking dies. i sincerely hope, with every fiber of my being, that this fuck face fucking dies from the corona virus, even with the best medical care he knows he has even though he votes against everyone else having it, and knowing that he should be safe with that medical care. i. hope. he. fucking. dies.

Could not have happened to a “nicer” guy. Enjoy the ride, Rand!

Thoughts and prayers

Heh, the dude has a weak chest as it is thanks to his neighbor.  A normal person would have taken stock of their life after that, but I guess Rand won’t take the hint.

Now is not the time to *snort* engage in these kinds of petty antics as we all *giggle* try to get through this time together. There is really no need to call on Sen. Paul’s staff to be sure to carry on his libertarian values *teehee* and belief that limited government and the free market can solve every problem by

You must not know any anarchists. The ones I know are tireless community organizers and activists and deeply moral people.

Schadenfreude isn’t a great look. Nevertheless, I’m right there with you. People like Rand Paul, who actively harm others, can fuck off and die for all I care.

Just a shame he is asymptomatic

Just a shame he is asymptomatic, instead of experiencing a nice array of pain. I guess he is another one of them whom not even Satan will take a second before they have to.

Fuck “libertarian” Rand Paul. If he were as sincere as he is cruel, he would surrender his government provided, socialist health care. The sad thing is, he’s probably going to survive because he and people like him get that socialist health care that they keep for themselves and deny the rest of us.

If/when we have a functioning government again, someone should investigate how Randy got his test. He’s admitted to being asymptomatic, how come he was able to get tested (and get his results) while thousands of Americans with all the symptoms of the disease are told to self-quarantine because there aren’t enough