funny story - i saw “e.t.” in england & will always remember a little child sitting in front of me being most impressed, not by the alien, but by the size of the giant american refrigerator.
funny story - i saw “e.t.” in england & will always remember a little child sitting in front of me being most impressed, not by the alien, but by the size of the giant american refrigerator.
Poor guy’s working for the worst, most ignorant man on the planet - I think he wants the virus so the nightmare can end.
I don’t know if you would call it karma, irony, or just plain justice but what if the orange dear leader dropped dead and no one could go to his funeral because of the disease he failed to act on. Covid-19 would provide the perfect alibi for those who looking to excuse themselves from yet another one…
Reporter ask Trump a logical question and Trump attacks the reporter for it. If you’re not calling Trump out you’re part of the problem as to why a depraved president like this got normalized. You’re selfish and entitled. You’re willing to overlook this disturbing behavior as long as the president benefits what you…
I was more like 15 when ET came out, and it was the first movie I remember feeling like I was too old for, watching the 10-12 year olds in the theater freaking out and realizing I was past being a KID.
....but maaaan, Conan, and especially Poltergeist REALLY hit my sweet spot (Poltergeist wins, because as much fun as…
“according to a secret recording of the remarks obtained by NPR.”
Here’s a classic movie tip that involves quarantining during a breakout epidemic (in this case, yellow fever in antebellum Louisiana): Jezebel (1938)
He almost made it. The fat gassy ass-clown almost made it to election season, where he would have spent the next seven and a half months doing his obnoxious act all over the country. Trump’s Greatest Hits...Sleepy Joe, Crooked Hillary, the “Deep State Department” and etc. The stock market was steady, unemployment was…
I’m prepared to donate my microwave to find out.
Fauci was clearly trying not to laugh. Probably to keep from crying, but that’s a man trying to hold his composure so he doesn’t laugh in the boss’s face.
It’s telling that, even when I was five years old, seeing ET for the first time I literally thought of it as garbage pap, despite not having those words available to me. I just know it made me... wince in embarrassment.
This is how Mad Max starts.
Yeah and Trump is hopeful by insulting people.
Just here to mention that Popcorn Champs and When Romance Met Comedy are the best things AV Club’s done in ages. I don’t often read the long-form articles on sites like this one (TL;DR) but I always read these ones right to the end. Ditto History of Violence.
I was 6 when I saw it in theaters with my parents as well and I had a similar reaction as you. During the walk from the theater to the backseat of the car I was completely silent. Finally, my mom turned to me from the front seat and asked if I was alright. I blurted, “Why did he have to go home!?!” and started sobbing…
Are you in Seattle? Because a friend of mine and her husband are also both stagehands/techs. I bumped into her early this week (going in to the office to get laid off) and learned about the shows in the area and how bad it’s been. A musical that was in an off-Broadway run was just getting into tech rehearsals when…
Yes. Fuck that one oddly specific guy, indeed.
Yes, it has exposed America’s selfishness but it’s also exposed decency. There are people out here doing kind things and trying to support others. This is the reality of humanity and always has been. Some people are angels and some are demons.
You are so, so right.
Jamaica actually taught me and my husband one of our most valuable lifelong lessons.
A couple years ago I realized that I remember the first five or six years of my childhood were spent learning that it was important to share and be fair. Everyone got a cookie first, everyone got a turn with the blocks, that sort of thing. It wasn’t perfect, we were all rampaging little id-beasts, but the idea was…