
Are you in Seattle? Because a friend of mine and her husband are also both stagehands/techs. I bumped into her early this week (going in to the office to get laid off) and learned about the shows in the area and how bad it’s been. A musical that was in an off-Broadway run was just getting into tech rehearsals when

Yes. Fuck that one oddly specific guy, indeed.

Yes, it has exposed America’s selfishness but it’s also exposed decency. There are people out here doing kind things and trying to support others. This is the reality of humanity and always has been. Some people are angels and some are demons.

You are so, so right.
Jamaica actually taught me and my husband one of our most valuable lifelong lessons.

The scumbaggery on display from people during this crisis is absolutely disgusting. What’s even worse is the dumbasses claiming that this virus is either a Chinese bioweapon (that they used on themselves first???) or the result of 5G rolling out (????????)

Most Americans clearly have a lack of empathy, a skill we’ve been honing for decades. It *really* rears its ugly head here, but it’s been around forever. “American exceptionalism” is how we disguise it. We don’t need healthcare that’s universal because we’re the best and we already have the best!

A couple years ago I realized that I remember the first five or six years of my childhood were spent learning that it was important to share and be fair. Everyone got a cookie first, everyone got a turn with the blocks, that sort of thing. It wasn’t perfect, we were all rampaging little id-beasts, but the idea was

This crisis has definitely been the end of my ability to give a shit about this nation anymore. What the fuck is there left to defend? We’re tribal, selfish, reactionary, ignorant and more concerned with flexing power than actually being useful.

Meanwhile, it has been reported that despite meeting with Fabio Wajngarten, the recently diagnosed top aide to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, President Donald Trump has tested negative.

donald trump thanks you for your support.

Fuck the boomers, they got theirs and they don’t give a goddamn fuck about the rest of us even if we are their children, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren.

Because calling it the “chinese virus” create the notion that chinese (in reality, all asians since most people can’t differentiate) are gonna infect others. It spread xenophobia and racism towards those nationalities.

It’s Trump attempt at insulting China (success) for saying the virus was american made and released

The bulk of Australia’s cases came from citizens returning from time in the US and Americans bringing with them. Should Australians be calling it the American Virus?

And Democratic voters were about twice as likely as Republicans to worry that they or someone they knew could catch the virus, the poll found. Sixty-three percent of Republican voters said they were relatively unconcerned.

It’s a virus, not a person. It doesn’t have a nationality. Calling it “Chinese” isn’t a meaningful description in any way; it’s in every country right now.

The most vulnerable demographic are overwhelmingly Trump voters, and I just heard on NPR this morning that in the past 30-40 days, Republican-identifying people have gone from being wary of the coronavirus to thinking it’s not that big a deal (if not a complete liberal hoax), whereas liberals and Dems have gone the

For many white voters the survival of white majority America depends on Trump getting 4 more years. Real America and American Citizens for these type of Trump supporters are Christian yokels. Everyone else is an invader. When the GOP says, “that’s what the American people want”, they’re referring to their demographic.

This is what we deserve. American arrogance has led to this. American ignorance and the lack of quality education has led to this. We claim to be innovators, yet there are people out there that literally do not have the vision to see beyond their own ignorance, i.e. “It’s just the flu” or “It’s all fear tactics” or

This has gone way too far. These people are insane and need to be put into care homes.