thou art garfunkel

Clearly Alvin meant the sort of ineffectual choir-preaching softserve echo chamber twaddle embodied by this article that achieves literally nothing beyond 1)generating a boatload of stupid comments and 2)boosting the hollow, unwarranted "dangerous" mystique of Milo types, as opposed to the *actual* effectual takedown

Boy howdy, that closer is an interesting assertion from someone floating the idea that others may have let their fingers drift from the pulse. Nanu-nanu! Lol~

So basically like a garden variety AV Club regular with his own show in other words, got it

So basically the legitimacy in numbers rationale? "2 billlion Muslims can't be wrong!" Yeah, a lot of people forked over good money for Transformers tickets and bumped into easily avoidable obstacles playing Pokemon Go as well. So airtight and unassailable, that reasoning.

I think it's more likely the dull, desperate wishful thinking you see employed so often at both extremes. Fervently project the desired unfavorable characteristic/status onto your target and maybe you can will it into existence!

Holy shit!!

Clearly you didn't bother to even actually read the comment in full in your eagerness to get to your little zinger, as he/she clarifies in the VERY NEXT SENTENCE they reject the notion of Islamophobia as a concept.

Nailed it

Yeah, I mean what grown adult has every deliberately, facetiously infantilized a word for the obvious purpose of highlighting someone else's perceived childishness? Who on earth does such a thing?? *fans self like old-timey southern debutante*

You almost assuredly aren't, though most of them are probably feigning intimate familiarity after quick Wiki/IMDB jaunts to maintain pop culture street cred

Congrats on applying the logic of a 12 year old with a penis made of ice cream. Also interesting that you cherry picked the only two MCU films to date with genuinely exceptional action scenes to make your point.

Pretending that's somehow out of line—and thus by implication that there's some substantial disparity in quality between ToD and the other Indy films—is pinch-your-cheeks adorable. It isn't Robocop 3.

Do you hold av club clout or something? Definitely not a 1999 thing


Ah, you're doing the "least witty av club regular for like a decade running" shtick. Gotcha. Carry on.

YEA!! Fooey me! After all, this is AV Club where nobody nitpicks the living shit out of frivolous throwaway remarks and certainly no one is remotely concerned about the approval of others or constructs throwaway witticisms expressly for that purpose

You know that simply referencing Salva's well-publicized, beaten-to-death past isn't sufficient right? The joke has to actually be funny and make a modicum of sense. Yes a real time documentary about Salva the 7 foot flying nocturnal corpse eater!

Ehh, sure. In a pinch, I guess the ol' "I had no idea this high profile horror sequel was in production!" Boy-oh-boy faux-astonishment rhetorical question template works.

These comments are really on point. Kudos in particular to Penultimatum; Renner/Lazenby; new Extreme Ways licensing money

You're the best