thou art garfunkel

It's just one of those dumb generalizations rooted in lack of scrutiny that's picked up traction. As though there's a shortage of weird shit from the West or of perfectly conventional shit from Japan. Don't worry about it.

Yeah, I imagine they absolutely are

So, what every actor ever does? What does consideration have to do with it? It's just business, personal interest and/or contract-enforced etiquette. Show me a promotional interview with a key player badmouthing a production and I'll show you a flat earth.

So Baby Blood gets the comedic treatment. Let's be honest, I'm the only one in this thread who has seen it or even heard of it, and while it isn't particularly good, that does make me better than you

Perhaps never have I been more glad to be the only person within a hundred square miles to not give the slightest fuck about this show.

I wonder to what degree the "French factor" boosted the score in this particular case. It's a little guessing game I like to play. Ahhh, "sophistication"!

Nah, I know where I am and was most definitely addressing you.

And apparently a petty dipshit that fabricates false realities in order to win internet squabbles. Don't forget that part.

Oh yah! It's like a rebuttal! An airtight one at that. I understand now, a highly sarcastic Wilde-esque send-up of the idea that Casey Affleck's troubles are somehow comparable to the Salem trials, ingeniously *disguised as* an unrelated one-off comment that serves no purpose other than to shallowly flaunt your own

Really? Gonna keep history's single weakest attempt at a gaslight going, eh? Meh not terribly surprising I guess. And for the record, I'm adressing your response to Michael Thompson above, the one wherein you condescendingly correct and scold his mistaken notion that burning was the method of dispatch for Salem

"Sarcasm", lol. Some people really will pull anything from their ass to have the last word. Not only is your response to Michael clearly not sarcasm (it's a face value gesture of frivolous intellectual one-upmanship), it wouldn't even make sense as sarcasm. Have a good day now!

Presenting a reasonable hypothetical to demonstrate a simple point (in this case, how context can make all the difference) is not "actively encouraging" a perception.

I know right?? How I feel every time the Lena Dunham talk gets a flowin'!

Oh man! You got them so GOOD! A life of grating, self-satisfied pedantry is yielding big dividends!

Yeah, we know. Settlement = GUILTY WITHOUT QUESTION!! You've made that abundantly clear many times over in this thread now, despite having it repeatedly explained to you by people smarter or at least more knowledgable in the area of concern how and why you are completely incorrect.You seem cool and reasonable! And not

What an airtight rebuttal to Morpheus' transparently spiteful affront to the good name of Dunham, who as we all know, is utterly unassailable and beyond reproach. It's just the ol' Green Eyed Monster, ya see!
…SAAAAWCASM?? You decide!


Grow up and quit being a sensationalist prima donna. No one in the thread is saying what you're suggesting. Your shit reading comprehension and/or childishly disingenuous interpretation of anyone saying something short of "Let's chop Casey Affleck's peeny off!" (whichever the case may be) is the clear issue here.

OoOoh, someone's had their small batch morning roast! Chipper and ready for the day‘s battles. I'll get back to you a bit later when the important orders of the day have been attended to.

This is probably—no exaggeration—the least funny comment I've read on this site in several months. Like Pinkie Fisticuffs level unfunny. Just insane!