thou art garfunkel

Yeah, the complex algorithms the avc hivemind uses to determine whether it will appraise something appropriately (True Detective; The Big Bang Theory) or embrace a collective contrarian lie continue to elude me. The latter seems especially egregious when it comes to shitty-to-unremarkable comedy like New Girl.

Q3 2014 finally brought the death knell of physical film reference guides eh? In hindsight the writing really was on the wall, what with their slowly but steadily diminishing popularity over the last fifteen years *stiffles giggle*

Oh because. Because the. She

A FEROCIOUSLY relevant critique, and certainly not one that can be tossed at any given music genre by listing a few keywords/tropes associated with said genre and then proclaiming how "tired" that shit allegedly is. …Oh, wait. E.g. dubstep - "droning UFO engine hums"; "aural embodiment of snug-fitting Ed Hardy