Donald J. Trump, president of white America; the man who referred to the black mothers of NFL players kneeling for…
Donald J. Trump, president of white America; the man who referred to the black mothers of NFL players kneeling for…
In all seriousness, it’s high time for a Jim Crow v2 era. We need a way to cycle all of our income back into black owned businesses, and black owned businesses, ONLY.
This is a bad take. The numbers don’t agree with you on Kaepernick.
I’m sorry, but I can’t let this “he’s not a great QB” stuff stand. By every conceivable measure, Kap is grades out as a quality NFL starter and probably would be top 10-15 amongst most QBs.
If they were really screening for criminals, white people would never get hired
See my problem with saying stuff like this is it assumes we all got media training for when a traumatic scenario occurs. We don’t. He’s extremely young. He lost his brother, which in turn now sounds like he lost his anchor. If he flipped his fucking wig, on God, I think that’s ok, because since I don’t know him, I…
Nah, Don Lemon is still a tool.
man, fuck you
So, there have been recent settlements about POC being discriminated against when it comes to car loans, mortgages, and jobs. It’s almost as if POC face discrimination at an institutional level, even to this day. We should come up with a term for discrimination by those in power at an institutional level. /s
First time I saw his reaction I knew he was not handling the brutality of his brother’s death well, and that there was a compounding of deeper psychological issues. The media was quick to pick up on the resulting images, some of which played into certain stereotypes of us, unfortunately.
Buddy, these defendants are not going to turn out to be rich dirtbags. They’re going to be poor, probably poc, who have been screwed by an incompetent and underfunded public defender system.
Well you forget.. to him.. HE IS AMERICA.. (its why he’s pitching so hard the MAGA concept)
When they start jogging, you know it’s over!
In this context, the balls refer to a lack of shame.
One college coach needs to take the Lorenzo Romar/Cuonzo Martin strategy to a whole new level. Offer an assistant coaching job to a parent of every top recruit. 5 top recruits and 5 assistant coaches who will bitch their kids out for me. I see no problem with this strategy.
“These teens, not familiar with things like access and correspondents dinners. They’re not burning their bridges, they’re burning the bridge construction materials! They’ll never have a future in journalism!”
The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.
“when are we going to start talking about how white women, as a force, are the first perpetrators of direct and personal racism against Black and Latino people?”
So, when are we going to start talking about how white women, as a force, are the first perpetrators of direct and personal racism against Black and Latino people? As the dominant demographic in our educational system, I would bet my house that a significant amount of folks, if not the majority, first experienced…