My Thots Are Terrific

When did “protect & serve” become “I was scared & it was dark, so I fired my weapon twenty times at the citizen”?

11) Use Waze

This is a really late comment so it’ll probably get buried, but this really makes me question if the reason that there is reluctance by the NFL to accept medical marijuana is due to the buddy-buddy relationship the league has with the DEA.

I genuinely think if he had three more healthy years he would be in line for a down the road Hall of Fame induction

Melo’s mind may be elsewhere

you missed a major key: gloves mean that your eyes won’t burn if you happen to touch them

The owners don’t need anymore money, so let’s keep going with this free agent bonanza. I’m happy for these guys.

Quite simple actually Billy. If when I first met you, I called you Ricky, reasonably you would say “hey, i’m not Ricky, I’m Billy.”

Personally, this doesn’t come close to my thoughts of ‘WTF, who the fuck is commentating this game’ during the NCAA Championship game.