
The audio really makes this video *POP*

God Bless You

And King Solomon said: “Cut the living turd in two, and give half to one and half to the other.”

Oh yea. I have never missed an opportunity to star a comment involving racism and Chelsea. First comment was good, second was gold.

Are the non-Allstars a variety of old wooden chairs?

This is so erroneous. While drug companies are too profit oriented, they are not holding out on the cure for cancer. That shit would make untold billions. And I really hope you are not talking about weed. From somewhat of a pothead, it is not medicine. It can be used medicinally (reduce nausea, even reduce seizures,

I starred both these comments because both are excellent.

Blood Meridian YESSS! Judge Holden stays with you after you’re done.

Anything Cormac McCarthy. If you want total non-stop asskicking (sort of fucked up ass-kicking but anyways) go with Blood Meridian. My next favorite(s) is probably The Border Trilogy.

Damn you computers

You knew it was coming.

I can obviously understand being dissapointed. However, I’m shocked by some of the reactions I’ve read. If you acually feel rage toward this poor guy, who is clearly the most dissapointed out of any vikings fans/players/coaches over him missing an extremely high pressure kick then sorry Brah, you need some friends/a

Bruh.. So dumb

This is hilarious. To be fair, he did initially knock an NFL linebacker to the ground. And anyone on this site would have been drowning in a pool of their own urine if they were fearing retribution from those guys. But I did watch many time hahaha

I would keep the receipt for that HGH..

Call me crazy but il take whiny arsenal fans over racist knuckledraggerss (see Chelsea fans) any day

Me and my friends didn’t know there was a Miss Universe contest until last night, first time we’d ever watched and this happened. We all thought it was some kind of prank. Anyways, long live the true champion, Miss Australia!

Do these laws apply to Chelsea fans too?

You mean if he took something from an unwilling participant? I guess hypotheticals will have to do.

Right down Broadway. Nice.