Those Eyebrows

I mean it's only been a year and already nobody's talking about Birdman anymore, so.

Inarritu has more Best Director Oscars than the entire gender of women.

Yeah. Part of the genius of showing us the witch right off the bat is that it immediately forces us into that mindset for the rest of the film. Every ambiguous image or event that follows is laden with supernatural portent, just as it would be for the family.

I think there's enough ambiguity there for us as a modern audience to view it as a liberation, but in the context of the film alone it's definitely being depicted the way you describe it.

Yeah, I expressed pretty much this exact same thought on another site yesterday so reading this part of the interview felt pretty validating lol.

I had the same thought. Then it finally happened and multiple people in the theater involuntarily shouted "oooh shit!" Just brilliant.

Doctor Worm thinks his thesis is getting good, but he can handle criticism.

Yeshiva, duh.

Twilight Princess definitely has the best boss fights. It's one of several ways in which that game feels like a conscious response to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus's deconstruction of the Zelda formula. Too bad the series didn't really maintain any of those Ueda influences after that.

The implication in WW is that it's a different Link and Zelda in each game but the same Ganon, right? And that he's been stuck in this awful cycle over and over again for generations?

The latter is named after the actual subject, which is named after the former.

My thoughts exactly. And it makes the ending a little depressing because her near total lack of interest in him for the rest of series gives the impression that she's only getting together with him now out of some sense of obligation.

Moppa forever!

Ooh, if we're going to get into anti-shipping I might as well bring up my belief that both Kataangers and Zutarans are nuts, Katara has no chemistry whatsoever with either of them and her ending up with Aang was nothing but a pointless and kind of regressive concession to fairy tale convention.

I did not realize they were together in real life and now I'm plotzing.

Yeah, it is a really annoying trope and the number of successful counterexamples I can think of is depressingly thin.

*AJ Gibb-esque look of concern/disgust hiding behind fake smile*



I guess so, but I still think the movie is about so many other things as well that I find it hard to primarily classify it as a romantic comedy (I don't really think Zelig should be on this list for the same reason, but I can understand them having to stretch to find a good "Z" entry).