Those Eyebrows

That whole scene is perfect but for whatever reason the part that's always stuck with me the most is Justin Long mumbling "the Beatles, the four Beatles…"

"Did you just empty a thermometer into my hand?"
"Rub it in my hair."

"I like your backpack."

*starts slow-clap*

"Alright, you're both on."

Holy shit, Jimi and RT playing together. How did the club not just evaporate and float up to a higher plane of existence?

"That's gonna stain!"

No love for Pootie Tang? It parodies three different genres at once (blaxploitation, superheroes, and most cuttingly, Jim Carrey/Mike Myers-style catchphrase-based comedies)!

Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to rtpoeman for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particularly glad that these lovely children were here today to read this comment. Not only was it authentic AV Club gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

That's the kind of combination an idiot puts on his luggage!

Black Dynamite's outburst at Euphoria is one of the most simultaneously jarring, disturbing and hilarious things I've ever seen in a movie. And that pause afterwards where the other actresses look genuinely horrified is just icing on the cake.

It's the first Brooks parody where he clearly has no real understanding or affection for the source material and the movie suffers for it, but it's still got some of his best gags ("We ain't found shit!").

That song does to me what "Desperado" did to Elaine's boyfriend on that one episode of Seinfeld.

Hey now, Paul has his fans.

At least with stars of this magnitude there are always lots of other people who get/share your grief. It's going to a huge bummer someday (far, far, FAR in the future!) when people ask why I'm sulking and I'll say "Richard Thompson died" and they'll say "who's Richard Thompson?"

Is there a reason why we're all studiously ignoring the fact that there are still two Beatles out there?

Wow. And I thought I hated him before.

Or, ugh, Logan.

I love almost every major character on Deadwood, but until his last few episodes I thought Wolcott was kind of a drag. He felt like a transplant from one of those other, lesser, self-consciously grim prestige cable dramas.

"Or, at the very least, I wish someone like Spike Lee would try to unite the issues and build a stronger coalition."