Those Eyebrows

Ha, I was about to post this! I was drinking coffee before I watched Twin Peaks, but it was Dale Cooper who inspired me to start taking it black.

It would look pretty bad, probably.

I was scrolling through a Letterboxd list of Best Animated Short nominees the other day and it kind of blew my mind. "Windy Day" was nominated for an Oscar! Why can't every category be like this?

I don't know about "way," but I did like it better than Inside Out. Seconding the recommendation.

Don't be so sure. The Academy members will be far more familiar with the Pixar short and who knows if enough of them will even bother to watch the films in this category.

Picture: Mad Max

Burwell's actually never even been nominated before this. Which is beyond astonishing.

It's a member of the club for decent enough movies that are dramatically overpraised on the strength of their final scenes alone, along with Toy Story 3 and Phoenix.

I mean, it's not like he doesn't bite off some meaty chunks of scenery of his own in that movie, but I guess it's the subtler moments that make that a great performance and not just a great "Samuel L. Jackson" performance.

Hers was the year after.

My personal favorites are New Age Mysticism and Illuminati Conspiracies Guy and Constant Updates On Nonexistent Acting/Modelling Career Girl.

Ghibli's closure stings a little less when I remind myself that Tomm Moore is out there carrying the mantle of stylish, emotionally intelligent, accessible 2-D animation. Now if only people, like, actually went to go see his movies.

Sort of a weird complaint when Pixar released two movies this year and only one of them got nominated. Best Animated Feature might be the most creatively, commercially and geographically diverse category of any this year.

50 Shades of Grey: 1
The Duke of Burgundy: 0

Lol yeah I can rationalize it however I want but this is pretty much the truth.

The Boy and the World is great and I'll second your being pleasantly surprised at its nomination. Animated Feature might be the strongest overall category this year. I've seen four of the five nominees and really liked all of them (and I've only heard good things about Shaun the Sheep).

Yeah, that movie getting nominated for editing is pretty baffling. Practically every beat in the movie is cut too soon, and the final X-Wing dogfight is so incoherent that I couldn't relate to you a single concrete thing that happens in it.

Seriously. That enormous mouth was made to devour scenery, not sit around drawing rooms in stuffy costume dramas.

Yeah, the last act of that movie squanders all that amazing white-knuckle suspense for increasingly silly theatrics.

Nah. Creed, Tangerine, and Samuel L. Jackson showed up on lots of critics' lists.