Those Eyebrows

"Not S&P Approved!"

You had your chance at the cotillion, you.

People absolutely still talk about Titanic and it's still referenced/made fun of in pop culture all the time. Rick and Morty had an entire subplot riffing on it like a year ago.

That's rough, buddy.

Besides, if anything it's the Lennon people who should be ashamed.

I can actually imagine a pretty clever and funny version of this show where they do the whole thing as a modern take on The Brady Bunch Movie, but alas.

I actually thought the gender commentary angle was the most cohesive and satisfying thematic strand in the movie (whereas the speculative A.I. stuff disappointingly goes nowhere), especially in the last act. Ava's abandonment of Caleb seems arbitrary and cruel at first, until we realize (as she already has) that

To me it felt like all three acts of a trilogy awkwardly shoved into one unwieldy movie. I can sort of imagine a trilogy with Jupiter taking on a different Abraxis sibling in each film that would allow for more relaxed, organic world-building (instead of reams of breathless, incomprehensible expository dialogue) and

Yeah, though I think "science!" is an especially potent form of that because it has that veneer of rationality and realism and concrete fact.

Too bad "Scientology" is already taken.

That's science as practiced by actual scientists, but I think the quote is fair when applied to the Soylent-chugging Redditors it seems to be aimed at. The sort of people who are unwavering in their confidence that an immortality-granting technological singularity will occur in their lifetimes are not what I would

There are still far too many movies I haven't seen yet for this to be even slightly definitive (though I doubt the top 4 are likely to budge), but for now:

I think they're just trying to let go of Star Wars' coattails and grab onto Guardians of the Galaxy's.

Unfortunately pretty much the only sequence where that movie really comes alive, but what a sequence it is. I watched this on a crowded airplane but couldn't keep from cackling out loud when the scene takes its "Gilliam-esque" qualities to their logical conclusion.

That's the second-best kind of correct.

Nothing will ever top Here Comes Ol' Vodka Tits.

Who can forget the tragic events of Taking Back Bloody Sunday or the Bullet for My Valentine's Day Massacre?

The original.

This was the year I decided to start getting over my horror movie squeamishness. I watched Alien, Aliens, The Thing, The Shining, Don't Look Now, Evil Dead II, Hausu, The Devil's Backbone and Cat People all for the first time this year.

I mean, I am pretty bad at video games in general (or at least not as persistent as some games require) so maybe it's just me.