Those Eyebrows

Despite it being one of my all-time favorite games, I've still never actually finished Psychonauts because of the fucking Meat Circus. That is some Battletoads jet ski-level bullshit right there, and it's such a bizarre choice considering how comparatively breezy the rest of the game is.

I'm starting to get unreasonably hopeful for Deadwood now.

Wow, he just completely fails to understand why that "twist" was bad, doesn't he. Sure, the whole "he's totally not playing Khan you guys" song and dance was some condescending and tiresome bullshit, but that's just a problem with how the movie was marketed. It has nothing to do with the film itself.

Can Sandler go outside his comfort zone? His best "serious" roles have been the result of directors recontextualizing his usual persona.

He reminds me more of that guy who only became rich as a result of a time-travelling older version of himself giving him a sports almanac from the future.

I can't remember where I first read it but I've taken to calling him "Il Douche."

What about eyebrows?

And then in that same review he also says the film should be "cut into free ukulele picks for the poor."

Yeah, I fail to see how his performance in Punch-Drunk Love is "ferociously committed." He's doing the same shtick he's always done, PTA just contextualizes it differently.

Ha, yeah. Though weirdly I feel like the only actress to have anything approaching natural chemistry with him is Drew Barrymore.

Aside from all the frequently quoted classics, I think my favorite Ebert burn is the last line of his review for The Last Airbender: "I close with the hope that the title proves prophetic."

Seth MacFarlane.

I gotta talk to you about Pepe!

Spectre may as well have been the 4th one.

Yeah. I was pleasantly surprised to learn from an article on here a little while ago that LGBT representation on TV apparently now actually exceeds proportionality to the U.S. population, but that only speaks to the quantity of representations, not the quality of those representations or even the amount of screentime

I agree, though I really do worry that Trump is just the beginning. And this election has already tested my assumptions about where the bottom of the barrel is in American politics so much that I feel like I can't be too sure of anything anymore.

Calling Ayn Rand fans "Shruggalos" is funny. Everything else is garbage.

Was he really all that clever though? The devastation of WWI and the harsh penalties imposed by the Treaty of Versailles left Germany especially susceptible to scary demagogues, fascism was already popping up all over Europe, and waves of anti-Semitic scapegoating and violence had been facts of life in the region for

Cartels which are fueled by American demand for their products, armed with American guns, and enabled by American pressure to maintain the status quo on drug policy.

Although his hot air-blowing skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone.