Those Eyebrows

Excellent username/comment synergy here.

It wasn't for lack of trying, though. I was mildly disappointed with his Trump interview overall, but he certainly pushed a lot harder than Fallon did or SNL will.

Note that he remains insecure and defensive about Spy magazine calling him "short-fingered" over 25 years ago:

Tindersticks - Running Wild
New York Dolls - Private World
Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - Let Go
Elvis Costello - New Amsterdam
Nas - One Love
Sleeping in the Aviary - Write On
Neutral Milk Hotel - The King of Carrot Flowers, Pts. 2 and 3
Squeeze - Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)
Richard Thompson - Kiss

Megan Fox.

Du Jour means great fake boy bands.

From what I can recall she was standing towards the back of a crowd of early contestants and squatted down to do it, so you couldn't really see anything.

Don't forget season 1's climactic projectile loogie-hocking. Though thinking about it now I actually can't remember whether it was New York who spat on Pumkin or the other way around.

I've been doing the same. I even managed to get my roommate hooked to the point where we're now going to be Wirt and Greg for Halloween.

That was some straight-up Too Many Cooks shit.

Shaft also pulled the whole responding to "I love you" with "I know" move years before Han Solo did.

Speaking of "fine-tuning our pop culture-inspired costumes," what do you guys have planned?

But if their satire actually had any teeth then the A-list celebs and politicians being made fun of might be less inclined to come onto the show to half-assedly wink at themselves, depriving the show of the sweet, sweet Viral Content it craves.

Saturday at 11:30 PM is not exactly a competitive time slot.

Other than special screenings or festivals this is the first time I've bought a ticket more than a day in advance. But I feel like it's necessary for this one because it will be impossible not to know every single plot beat and story detail by the end of the weekend whether I've seen it yet or not.

You don't even need to wait that long, this is just for the Thursday night tickets. I bought a ticket for a Friday showing today at normal price with little difficulty (though even those are starting to sell out fast).

I just couldn't take anything he said seriously because he sounds exactly like E.B. Farnum.

As mayor of the altered state of Drugachusetts, I declare this reboot to be…awesome!

1. Total Rickall
2. The Ricks Must Be Crazy
3. The Wedding Squanchers
4. Mortynight Run
5. Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate
6. Auto Erotic Assimilation
7. A Rickle in Time
8. Big Trouble in Little Sanchez
9. Look Who's Purging Now
10. Get Schwifty

Yeah, and in this case there's a super obvious point of translation if they swap Tokyo out for New York. Though we're not exactly starving for blatant 9/11 imagery/subtext in our current blockbusters…