Those Eyebrows

It really did have a shockingly friendly and good-natured community for this sort of game. I remember the starting areas being full of higher-level players answering people's questions and giving out items and money just for the hell of it (which maybe points more toward a lack of substantial endgame content than it

Yes, that's exactly why I loved the game too. And it probably helped contribute to the general friendliness of the community. It's much easier to appreciate the other people in your group instead of resenting them when you aren't always relying on groups to get anything done.

If this was on the Protector server (I think) in the earlier days of the game then that may well have been me doling out those millions. I used to do those costume contests all the time. Again, best character creator ever.

If you can remember the Atlas Park dance parties of the mid '00s you weren't really there, maaan.

If nothing else that game still has my all-time favorite character creator. I probably spent more time futzing around with that than playing the actual game.

I haven't watched Cyberbully in its entirety, but I have seen the "I can't get the cap off!" suicide attempt scene and it's an all-time classic.

Like I said above, my team came up with the best name ever and it is:

We come up with a different name every week so we have a ton of these.

Yep, and Whistler's mom was the original PILF.

Well maybe if the host didn't end every episode by reminding us that a Lannister always spays his pets…

"I had lunch today."

I have to assume It's Such a Beautiful Day was left out because two thirds of it were made and released before this decade, because otherwise that is a serious omission. It's pretty much my favorite movie of the decade so far, animated or otherwise.

I'm more of a Social Justice Bard.

I mean, she's straight-up awful to Bobby in that field trip episode. But the psychology behind her behavior there is laid out so well that I end up feeling almost as bad for her as I do for him.

That might be part of it, but at the same time the show's visual style has naturally had to change with the shifting time period and themes. The first couple seasons emulate a lot of the stylistic tics of '50s Douglas Sirk melodramas and it works brilliantly, but that aesthetic would only make less and less sense if


Are you the Ess-Dog?

That idea is so brilliant I'm now really mad that's not what this is.

Great Jorb, Internet!

And grabbable fish!