Those Eyebrows

Also I like how this guy's response to the SAE kids' appalling display of racism is to get upset about "frat haters."

I'm close friends with lots of great guys who were in frats. The problem isn't (usually) the individuals, it's what happens when they all get together to encourage each other's worst tendencies.

"Up the Junction" by Squeeze. C'mon guys.

Me too! There are dozens of us!

"Gimme Some Money" could have been slipped into a Nuggets compilation and none would be the wiser.

"…laughed the boy."

It's like how much lower fi could this be? And the answer is none, none lower fi.

Nah, "Spirit Cycle" is a barely concealed riff on the very real spin class/cult Soul Cycle. My sister is way into it and will probably love this episode.

There really is a relevant Onion article for literally every situation isn't there.

It's the story of a wealthy family who lost everything, and the one son who has no choice but to keep them all together.

Really it goes all the way back to the License to Iliad.

Uh…Ecce! Cornelia sub arbore sedet!

Oh my god those last two. I need those to exist yesterday.

It's the latter shows that give FX the funds to make the former shows, so.

Ooncha, two-cha, one two three-cha
Gonna get a breadtangle of pizza

The Simpsons
Arrested Development
CSI: Miami

It's all hips and nips.

*whistles "In the Hall of the Mountain King"*

Frankenstein: AIFM (Actually It's Frankenstein's Monster)

Her tirade also immediately undercuts one of the few moments where the movie actually seems to clearly acknowledge the depths of Riggan's self-absorption (when he finds her stash of weed and makes it all about himself) because it's so mean that our sympathies are made to return to him before we get the chance to