Those Eyebrows

Surprised nobody's brought up Jean Vigo. Dude directed L'Atalante while he was dying of tuberculosis at 29, sometimes literally from his deathbed.

Mandvi or Cenac or even Hodgman would be great, but if they end up promoting someone from within the show I'm guessing it'll be Bee and Jones.

As a 25 years old powerlifter, if something happens politically that I don't agree with I rehash old memes.

Zane was the bomb in The Phantom, yo.

I said consummate V's. Consummate!

You can't do it, so give up now
What'cha gonna do when your dough runs out?
….Ain't it a draaaaag

Yeah whatever call me in five years when there's a crowdfunding campaign to launch a yellow Vespa into space.

They're so fucked up.

The movie takes everything that was implicit in the series and makes it explicit, which ends up being a pretty hit or miss strategy.

Jorge Ben Jor's "Taj Mahal" and Rod Stewart's "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy"

Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm an Ironborn!

If you haven't listened to Richard Thompson's 1,000 Years of Popular Music yet I highly recommend it.

One more cup of coffee before I go to the bathroom for the tenth time in the past hour

Everybody must get loans!

Amish tumblrs are what they drink their milk out of. You do not want the content of your Amish tumblr to go viral.

And in fact you can already start to see the disparity in custody decisions and divorce settlements leveling out as more women choose to enter the workforce and more men choose to stay at home.

So what, the plight of non-benders in Republic City means nothing to you?

That just illustrates how little interest MRA-types actually have in resolving the "men's issues" they claim to care about, doesn't it.


Not to mention keeping him from hiking up the electric bill with his lightswitch raves.