Those Eyebrows

Mine would probably be a sloth and it would be fantastic.

I can't believe that I'm sharing a kebab with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with a kebab.

Hairball Bosses

And vocal 21st century nostalgia for same. At least TWY is nostalgic for actual lived experiences.

Winnie's brother?

Uh, I think either you're not remembering that scene correctly or you just misinterpreted it to begin with, because if I'm recalling it correctly myself the implications and intended effect of that scene are kind of the exact opposite of what you're saying here.

"You cut me off mid-funk!"

EarthBound and Mother 3 are both just incredible, idiosyncratic, hilarious and heartbreaking games. Mechanically they may be similar to lots of other J-RPGs, but aesthetically and narratively there's nothing else like them.

The lead singer of Wheatus rips the tag off a mattress.

"Puddle of Mudd Singer Discovers One Weird Trick…"

q.v. Note 367 sub

Obviously I have to reserve judgment until I actually see the thing but yeah, honestly the premise and the header image up there make this show look more like the result of a cigar-chomping Disney exec barking "get me an Adventure Time!" than a fully-baked original creative vision.

Yeah, a big part of what makes that show so great and unique is how subdued and even contemplative it is compared to its contemporaries. Which makes its occasional hyperactive Adventure Time-isms ("we're here to burgle your turts!") charming instead of overbearing.

"'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.'

"Moe is their leader."

"I bent my Wookiee."

But how do you feel about the Hypnotoad?

Well, there are lots, but the reference itself is never the entirety of the "joke" like it is on Family Guy.

I'd definitely be down to pitch in for that. Just let me know when…it's time to pay the price.

All of McGuirk and Melissa's interactions are great.