Those Eyebrows

This has really been one of the most incredible years of TV I can remember. I'm struggling to even make a list because it's so tough to choose between things, there were so many great shows I'm probably forgetting, and so many things I haven't caught up with yet (namely The Americans, Broad City, Fargo, and The

Workin' too hard can give you a hairball ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack

Eh FLCL kinda sucks.

Jesse Moynihan's Forming is totally mindblowing, a sprawling sci-fi pantheistic creation myth that doubles as a more unhinged and uncensored version of his Adventure Time episodes.

Yeah, but those were real men, doing real things.

And then just when you think Greg has reached peak cute, we finally get the reveal of why he's wearing that tea kettle on his head.

Ugh, same. If only I had the effortless cool of Jason Funderburker.

Janelle Monae please.

Everyone knows Bond's parents died in a tragic climbing accident. What this movie presupposes is…maybe they didn't?

Yup. But man, those fight scenes…

This is why I like Letterboxd and wish there were similar sites for TV, music, etc.

They got no sense. No sense at all.

Seriously. That show is, like, a legit landmark achievement in American television but it's gotten almost no notable attention from critics.

Hayden Childs.

Whovian is a bit of a stickler Meeseeks.

Golden Agouti Gerbil.

Shiiit I should've picked that one. Went with the nightmare-inducing beach scene from Under the Skin instead.

Charles Manson?

He's already been reduced to playing a pie in a fake '80s sitcom.
