Those Eyebrows

Sure, Margaret and Gillian are complex and human, but that only makes the treatment of the show's more tertiary women (which is most of them) even more incongruous and frustrating.

Only they're not "nearly anonymous" at all? They have names, they have opinions and feelings of their own which they sometimes (at least attempt to) express, and they're seen at various other points in the series living their lives and doing other shit. Not to mention that these are pretty much the least erotic sex

And in fact, Lee is far more Americanized than Wu is.

But again it's the what vs. the how. Is the show racist, or just the characters? It's an aspect of life in the camp that's unfortunately not explored as fully as it could have been, but the show certainly treats at least Wu with far more empathy and respect than any of the other characters do (though even Al kind of

People like to trot this "historical accuracy" argument out a lot to defend the often problematic depictions of women in shows like this, but honestly I don't buy that. The problem isn't really with what's being depicted, but how.

Wingdings or GTFO

Are you Wes Anderson?

I always found that fiddling with the margins was too noticeable. Instead I was all about changing the spacing between characters and upping the font size of punctuation.

Nah, if this were a junior year research paper I'd be using Helvetica or Tahoma or something to artificially inflate the page count, not something comparatively small like TNR.

Fuck Helvetica!

7. Roald Dahl

I want one with Robb Webb's voice giving me incorrect directions and asking for bites of my sandwich.

Which, as we all know, turn into jellybeans!

Totoro might be the most gentle movie of all time. It's like a 90-minute hug.

<—— Seconded.

Then why isn't he cradling a Deep Impact DVD on that poster?

Uh, sorry but "Best Use of Nipples" clearly has to go to Mad Men.

Best: Home Movies (still the gold standard), The Wire, Scrubs (the "ninth season" is really just a spinoff and the episode is called "My Finale," c'mon), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Freaks and Geeks
Worst: Dexter (one of the worst episodes of television I've ever seen, period), How I Met Your Mother
Both, Somehow: Lost,

More weight.

Yeah I actually wrote a screenplay about it for a class, that's why I know all this shit. Though the more research I did the more it practically wrote itself.