Those Eyebrows

Damn, your story is better.

What, you don't like the floating sentient gas pump who won't let you save your game until you've listened to his latest treatise on anime fandom?

Inessential as 3 Ninjas Kick Back is, it does have some pretty interesting backstory in that it was produced and co-written by "Simon Sheen," who I believe also directed one of the other 3 Ninjas sequels.

Whoa, holy shit.

Man, I am so stoked for the upcoming Part 2 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa. They ran a successful Kickstarter campaign for it a while ago that featured some of the greatest rewards I have ever seen, from a full-sized body pillow depicting a flirtatious Cyberdwarf to an opportunity to impersonate the developers in an

I hope they can find a role for Ants-In-My-Eyes Johnson too.

You want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

Actually yeah kinda.

The only notable thing about that movie is it has one of the all-time great Ebert reviews, in which he remarks that it's the first movie he's ever seen that doesn't improve on a blank screen, and later says the film should be cut down into ukulele picks for the poor.

In my class we just watched the Baz Luhrmann version because I had the worst fucking English teacher ever.

Live Free or Die Repeat

When did "Episode IV: A New Hope" become a thing?

And that's how a bill becomes a law!

You are not the fine man I took you for.

I can't remember where I first read it but now as far as I'm concerned the title of that movie is Nose Train.

Yeah, it's a good thing that scene wasn't set to "Thirteen" by Big Star or I would have literally melted into a puddle on the couch.

Especially because they'd have the best shipping name ever: Flynn.

"I may be a duchess, but I'm also…a woman!"

Are we still doing "phrasing?"

Oh no, it gets much crazier. I mean, it's always got that mellow hangout vibe, but still, definitely crazier.