Those Eyebrows

Hey, better that than the hokey quasi-propaganda songs they always played on the bus on my trip.

Okay, but "underground cred" is a relative term and I feel like Big Star is a somewhat unique case when it comes to that sort of thing. At least for me, when I mention that they were unappreciated in their own time I don't do it to score hipster cred points or whatever (though don't get me wrong, admittedly there are

Moments like that make me think that this show might be the closest modern descendant of John Lurie's Fishing With John, at least in terms of how the voiceover and the reality of what's going on play off each other.

I don't think it's any big deal *eats curry*.

"¿Qué clase de monstruo enfermo sería cometer el plagio?" -Shia Del Carne

Chicken With a Linkedin

"Martha" might be my favorite early Waits song. To me it sounds like what Billy Joel would sound like if he were any good.

Pretty sure that was Ida.

Who ever could have guessed that a hardcore truther would be bad at telling stories with clear motivations and coherent internal logic?

The Replacements, "Bastards of Young." Duh.

I nominate Matt Chapman.

Holy shit. I'm only just learning about all this now, but jesus, the whole thing is just awful. At least it's good to see that there have been actual consequences for his actions, considering how pathetically rare that is.

Don't forget the excellent use of Tom Waits songs.

Yup. As gorgeous and exciting as those episodes were, they also chucked a good deal of nuance out of the show's mythology in favor of boring black-and-white shit.

Not to mention the inventiveness and energy of the fight scenes. As if the earthbending baddie turning a few rocks into the fucking Glaive from Krull wasn't badass enough, he's immediately one-upped by the armless waterbender.

I just love how even all these years later Zuko is still incredibly socially awkward.

Right before I clicked that I thought "this better be Clarence's David Byrne impression."

A Lannister always spays his pets.

I know him, and he does.

Momoa, mo' problems.