Those Eyebrows

In Japan he's called Ringu.

I just love how the episode title on the screen is always completely different from the one in the voiceover.

Who Dat Ninja?

Yup, I've thought about that connection before. They're the two most experimental shows on television.

I think it's more understandable on a show like AT because it only has 11 minutes to tell a complete story.

And the Moomins.

What's the difference between Oberon Ale and Oberyn Martell?

You know, it was really unclear.

Or legendary wardrobe assistant Cookie Beard.

Oh yeah, it also might be worth noting that most other Oscar-y movies like this that get similar amounts of cable airtime tend to be about things like romance and social issues and politics and history, stuff that young boys don't really understand or care about. Shawshank, on the other hand, is all about male

Pretty much, yeah. Here's my theory:

Well one is a massive corporation that's now the subsidiary of an even more massive corporation whose primary motive is to make as much money as possible, and the other is an actual human being and an artist whose primary motive is to make good art. So.

Definitely (though I do still really like the movie; it was on TV today and I totally got sucked in). In the books the other characters actually have individual story arcs and stuff, so the emphasis isn't entirely on Scott. Stephen Stills and especially Kim Pine sort of get shafted in the movie.

Ron Funches and Weird Al.

The episode with Swardson and Marlon Wayans was just dire, as you might expect. It really illustrates that the show is only as good as its guests (though luckily the guests are rarely anywhere close to that bad).

It was a great episode for Jeff, too. I love how he can't touch the crosswalk button with his bare hands. Such a perfectly observed little detail. I recognize a lot more of my own childhood mannerisms and neuroses in that kid than I'd care to admit.

Remember: Be Hot, Be Naughty, Be Courteous


Jake's perfect sandwich on Adventure Time.
