Those Eyebrows

I mean, I don't dislike Shawshank, or really have any strong feelings about it at all other than confusion at its apparent status as the Internet's favorite movie. Do I count as half a real person?


That's rough, buddy.

I posted James Franco and Kimiko.

Gold team rules!

It is if you're Tuco Salamanca.

In the original arcade version of Punch-Out he's called Vodka Drunkenski.

Oh please, come back when homophobes can't get married and maybe I'll be a little more sympathetic towards your tragic persecution.

Yay, my first downvote!

And Chaz Finster.

Beats by Dr. Robotnik.

Well if he wants more people to see it, he should wear it around his neck.

"Pffft, I only listen to his earlier stuff, when he was still 'Dr. Robotnik.'"

Yeah Sonic, are you just going to continue to ignore the gross violation of the pre-1967 Green Hill Zone boundaries or what?

It probably goes without saying that I'm a huge fan of FLCL and I highly recommend it to anyone, whether they're a fan of anime or not (and really for the most part I'm not, I haven't watched much more than you have). If you haven't already watched it it's only six half-hour episodes and I think it's available on most

They should have gone with "The Estrogendables."

I feel this way about most Olympic events. If an NFL or NBA player messes up, that's just one play out of plenty in a game, one game out of plenty in a season, one season out of plenty in a career. For Olympic athletes this is pretty much their one and only shot, for the next four years if not ever.

I still think Bebop has the best opening credits sequence of any TV show.

I also get this way with pretty much any game that features lots of collectibles or unlocks or achievements. It's kind of amazing and terrifying how these games manage to completely override my capacity for rational thinking. I did prestige mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops II twice and I'm not even sure I liked that

Heh, I also used to collect those World of Springfield figures, though on a much more sporadic basis. I probably still have a bunch lying around the house somewhere.