Those Eyebrows

I think they're just non-bending monks who are into Air Nomad culture and philosophy.

@avclub-640609f68a3a7ad969c33b253da640a0:disqus I wrote a term paper last semester about how A:TLA negotiates between the responsibilities and rules of children's programming and the expression of all the complex themes mentioned above.

The sparkly bush is great. That and Tenzin's outburst about his mother reassured me that, yep, they're still making all the animators watch FLCL.

Take it to the next level: buy a cheap ukulele and learn to play them.

Also during the Powers of Ten-esque sequence in "The Real You," if you pause at the right moment you can see that a huge chunk is missing from Earth.


Flameo, sir. Flameo.

*Mild Korra Spoiler*

The soundtrack is beyond awesome. The jazzier bits (which I totally wasn't expecting) reminded me of Baccano!, only better, and the sweeping orchestral stuff gave me chills.

I totally didn't think of that as I was watching, but now I can't unsee it.

Thanks! I'm actually in (the Czech) Republic City.

Adventure Time can bring the creepy when it wants to. Other than that, though, yeah, it's a shame the way kids' shows have become so sanitized.

Whoa, this is awesome news! Though now I have to prepare for the awkward "hey Dad, can you DVR this Nickelodeon cartoon for me?" conversation, since I'll be abroad for the first five weeks or so.

I like to call it plotbending.

Meh, "The Luck of the Fryrish" always gets to me way more than "Jurassic Bark." Maybe that's because I have a brother but not a dog.


So obviously Azula is Cheerleader, Ty Lee is So-and-So, and Mai is What's-Her-Face. Is Zuko The Ugly One?

I got Shoe.

I used to think this was the second-worst episode, behind "The Great Divide," but now that you mention it, at least that episode is self-consciously silly and benign. But "The Painted Lady" takes its ridiculous premise way too seriously, it makes the protagonists do stupid, OOC things to make that premise work, and

@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus Nope. Is it a particularly egregious offender?