Those Eyebrows

Still doesn't beat Haruko's Master the Guitar in One Millisecond Class.



Shit, too late. When it came down to it, I couldn't swing the bat…

One of my favorite throwaway lines of the whole series, though I can't tell whether its hilarious passive-aggressiveness is intentional or not.

Sorry we hurt your field, mister.

Oh god, now your avatar is making me think of AD/A:TLA crossovers. "It's so watery…but with a smack of ham-beef to it."

I kinda like them.

Lemon curry?

One of the (many, many) things I love about this show is how there are so many little moments of continuity and visual gags like this that I totally didn't pick up on until the second or third viewing at least.

The review didn't mention my favorite line of the entire series: "It's spicy! I don't care if it goes to New York!"

I thought the same thing.

Pffft, everyone knows the One True Pairing on that show is Blocke.

There's also a third soundtrack CD that's a compilation of most of the pillows' songs from all six episodes, but in their original album versions (so songs like "Stalker" and "Advice" have vocals). I think that one might be the best place to start.


Let's save it for the stand, okay Tom Jane?

Home Movies!

I don't really think the fifth season was that much worse than the others. The newsroom story arc is a little weak and seems two-dimensional because the shortened episode order meant it couldn't be given enough time to fully develop. I don't think it's just a matter of David Simon jerking off (though I'll admit that's

Team Kitsamarao!