Wait a second... first he says this is typical standard wall. But then he said there is an anti-climbing feature on this wall.... that doesn’t sound so standard typical to me. More like fancy luxurious.
Wait a second... first he says this is typical standard wall. But then he said there is an anti-climbing feature on this wall.... that doesn’t sound so standard typical to me. More like fancy luxurious.
Oh, he’s the governor of Washington State. He used to be the congress rep for Seattle. I understand people on the east coast don’t realize there is a much better coast. One lacking in crippling traditions and old money. I’d suggest you come check it out... but I’m worried you’d love it, and we already have enough assho…
Look in your closet, there’s a pair for you. Don’t like em? Then neither do I! Get the hell outta here! Ever see a guy say goodbye to a shoe?
George W. Bush is a monster. His 8 years in office are a black eye on this country. There would be no Trump had W not cleared and paved a road for him. He should be in jail.
How is Jim the hero on this show? He’s horrible. He lies to his wife, he is a constant no fun, his friends are jerks, his brothers are jerks, he’s a jerk. I’ve never understood it. He’s not a good male role model by any stretch of the imagination. I bet he still wears his varsity jacket around the house.
Any time the police suit up in riot gear they need to have undercover non-armed police in the crowd. I really see that as a great way to reign in these monsters.
When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act he was told he’s lose the South for a generation. Well, a lot of people that remember this are old... and dying. The culture war won’t win new younger voters. We need to keep organizing, running real candidates, and doing the ground work in the South. The linear progress of time…
I’m far from the stars I love.
If I were an asshole,
Daidle deedle daidle
Daidle daidle deedle daidle dumb
If you want Tucker booted off the air, just let him interview Jon Stewart. Worked last time.
My understanding, via the pod save guys, is that Forest-Fire Whitaker has been spending a lot of time in the oval office over the last two months just chumming it up with Trump. But of course Trump doesn’t know the guy, just heard good things... the best things.
Sounds like it will be met with backlash, and frustration... but the end result will be worth it. I applaud this. I also agree, it’s been getting pretty swampy down in the comments.
Trump’s mom wasn’t born in the US. I wonder if this happens, if he would remove his own citizenship thus ruling him ineligible for the position he holds. Silver lining!
Soccer guy tries to write article... flops.
Hawks fan here. This is ridiculous. We need to pay Earl. Every team needs to pay their veterans. There needs to be concessions allowed for these guys. It’s a mess. F’ing good game to go out on if it’s your last ET3.
During the writer strike in the mid oughts this show proved it was nothing without it’s writing staff. Conan was a complete asshole to everyone, including his staff when he tried to be funny on his own. It was him walking around ripping on his staff, not in a funny or joking way... but in a real chode like way. He…
Anyone that thinks the same government that couldn’t stop Trump from becoming president is also capable of pulling off 9-11 without a hitch really needs to assess their beliefs.
Jerry O’Connell is sliding into a time slot near you...
You can rent canoes right there on the water and paddle around between boats. People toss you Rainier Beer, smoked salmon, Nirvana posters... cool seattle stuff.
Hotel California isn’t a track on the album. Background research can be just as useful as regurgitating an opinion from some movie... that, wait for it, isn’t that good. I said it. My tombstone will say it. Overrated movie.