
Plus the entire subtext of “I’m not even going to bother to stand up to meet any of you, let alone listen to or internalize what you have to say. I’ll occasionally repeat back a couple words I think I heard you say, but I really don’t understand or care about your situation. ISIS is gone? I think I heard you say ISIS

Now playing

I was thinking more Elite. Skins had the sex and drugs but not the ridiculous wealth of Gossip Girl.

I’m sure someone’s already mentioned this, but it would make sense that they’d send Pence, whose only job is to commit publicity stunts, to the “nicest” of these camps, and they couldn’t even do that right. Which means things are worse than what was shown. If that’s possible. Before being hanged for a crime he denied committing, he claimed that a mighty oak tree would spring from his heart to prove his innocence. Visitors to the grave and tree say they’ve heard weeping when the winds are still, which creeps me right the fuck out.

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! A thread I can contribute multiple stories to!

I’m from Youngstown, and right over the PA border is a little place known as Zombieville. Mostly it’s a very small rural area, that the mafia used back in the day to dump bodies. It’s a spooky place without the corpses, and the rumors about the place were about inbreeding and Deliverance like weirdo’s wondering about.

I do, however, have an urban legend from my birth location (lived there six months, it counts as a home town, yeah?) Anyway. So, this is a swampy area along the south-eastern seaboard of the U.S. A place not exactly friendly to locals, with roads overrun with sand blown off the coast and crabgrass, with roads overhung

Okay, let’s see if I can make a long story short:

I finally have a good one!

As a dong-haver, this is the correct take.

That’s a bit of a straw-person fallacy that willfully obtuse men like to throw around. Nobody is asking anybody to keep their knees clamped together, just to keep them within the confines of their own space.


begging don sr to take you back (ala marla)?  oh god, i just threw up in my mouth a little. 

Seriously. I don’t want to live in a world where somebody is trying to win back Donnie Half Scoop.

What about "begging donnie jr to take you back as a pathetic publicity ploy for a shitty mtv reality show"?

Jr doesnt have the charisma.  Assuming Trump loses in 2020....all the billionaires flooding his properties with cash will abandon him.  Trump is low class to them.  They could never stand him before.  They think he is boorish.  Trump loses.  NBC wont have him back on.  Fox might give him a pundit job, but Trump is

I actually think Don’s worse than Eric. Eric’s politics are probably just as bad as Don’s, (especially if his wife is any indication), but Eric isn’t as thirsty and can therefore occasionally SHUT UP and refrain from tweeting.

Money makes people do stupid things, like marry or want to marry a Trump.   

I really know nothing about this, but I’m guessing that Don Jr. has political aspirations. Kimberly Guilfoyle, while odd-looking, is a smart lawyer and makes a more suitable partner for him should he decide to run for office.