That’s a good point about Christian employers vs. non-Christians. If, say, a Muslim-owned business fired someone for being a Christian, Republicans would absolutely hit the ceiling. But legally there’s no justification for viewing that situation differently.
Yeah, if any man gets fired because he got a woman pregnant out of wedlock, I’ll eat my hat.
More relevant to these gouls; if unmarried women aren’t supposed to be having sex, who are married men supposed to cheat on their wives with? Certainly they wouldn’t infringe on another man’s property by having an affair with a married woman! /s
Aaand there’s the slippery slope of the Hobby Lobby decision. This is basically a “your existence offends my religion and therefore I get to fire you.” And of course they’ll openly say this only applies to Christian/Catholics.
If unmarried women aren't supposed to be having sex, then who are unmarried men going to have sex with?
Why would this necessarily stop at unmarried women? I know there are people out there that believe that mothers should not work outside the home, and I am sure they could invent some religious reason behind it. Hell you could probably keep expanding this. Married women need to get their husbands permission to work.…
I would love it if Elizabeth Warren were my grandma. Also: I see her style of cooking is “make it look delicious, but not necessarily pristinely perfect”, which is also something I support.
I won’t even use dish soap on my car. Here’s my advice for the college-bound teens: no one wants to hook up with a lemon-scented lizard-person.
I’m so uncomfortable by these jokes. Girl is an immigrant, and (as a fellow Slav) English is so, so fucking hard to master after Slovenian as your first language. I’ve been speaking English for 25 years and I still can’t get it right all the time.
My best friend and my sister are both pregnant. I’m not allowed to go around telling people so I’m telling internet strangers. Babies! Finally I get to be the weird aunty I was born to be, and enjoy watching these lovely little people grow up, without having to have any myself.
Wanna know my 100% tried-and-true, surefire, guaranteed way to fit your fat ass into a wedding dress?
Biden will make nice with the Republicans and do absolutely nothing to change the fundamental rot at the heart of the US. That's a greater threat than gaffes.
I’d meet with him. Yes, please let me meet the president, and bring all your cameras in close because I want to remember this day for the rest of my life.
“Hey, you’re recovering from a hugely traumatic mass shooting; would you like to meet with a ball of orange hued fatty tissue and cowardice so that he can use it for his re-election campaign”?
“None of the mass shooting victims hospitalized in El Paso wanted to meet Donald Trump when he visited.”
Ok, Biden says “we choose truth over facts.” Can we start getting over our collective ‘he’s the most electable/safest bet’ thing yet, please? Do not need another gaffe-prone old man to give disingenuous idiots any purchase in making inevitable senility/other projections jokes for the next election cycle. There’s shit…
I am a lifelong non-Christian and I worked at a YMCA for 5 years. It is still one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. And that’s even factoring in that a couple other employees tried to have me fired when they found out I wasn’t Christian, because my very Catholic boss, as well as her boss, stood up for me and told them…
I am a 6'4 male introvert (only giving my height because i really stand out at the class) and i take a hip hop dance class every week at my Y, its about 30 girls and 2 other guys usually, and it gives me so much joy. I can attest that the Y is truly an accepting place where the classes are for all levels and all…
There was more to it I didn’t include in order for the comment to not be a wall of text.