Really what they should have done was TOLD him it was the real presidency when it was really just Sharknado filming. :/
Really what they should have done was TOLD him it was the real presidency when it was really just Sharknado filming. :/
So if he had done this, he would have been satisfied and not run for the actual presidency? This truly is the darkest timeline.
god that tweet makes me want to weep
no, in this scenario people fear me too much to dare
I was hoping they moved more like actual bugs, in which case, if I were a high powered lady boss, hell yeah I would like a shiny robotic beetle crawling on me to creep everyone out. Alas these look dumb and I am just a lowly freelancer/slob.
I agree, if anything this past year has taught us that maybe we need some more rules in place regarding cognitive function and holding an elected office.
I bet he’s afraid of the Girl Scouts, with good reason.
Mine was also incredibly painful. I’m not sure I would have wanted anyone with me in the room to see that happen, but I absolutely would have taken a margarita or 5 beforehand if I knew how bad it was going to be.
So, you’re saying that eventually half the cabinet will just be Guiliani in different wigs?
Yeah, seriously. I imagine it was just a short walk and they hit it off and wanted to keep going? because if my date told me our itinerary was nine miles in the woods at night I would run for my life. Could be that she already knew him, or was set up by good friends (obviously still not a guarantee, but better). I…
Oh my god. I agree dating is super weird for all women, I just imagine it must be, improbably, even worse if you’re famous. Like I can’t stop thinking about the armor guy. I get that if you’re going on a date with Jenny Slate, who recently dated Captain America, you might feel some pressure to be memorable but yikes.…
This plus the Jenny Slate story really highlights how fucking weird it must be to try to date as a famous woman.
I think she looks and sounds quite a bit like a writing professor I had in college, but I believe you that it was her, she seems like one of those people that has a large, radiant presence.
Another positive is that it deals with recovery rather than dramatizing the worst lows of an illness.
My Mad Fat Diary is a really good show, and the main character is fat. She deals with self harm more generally but there is also a disordered eating component (it’s been a while since I saw it so I don’t remember specifics). In my opinion it deals with these issues really well while still centering typical teen…
I just tried it for the first time recently, I bought mint chocolate chip, which is usually my fave, and peanut butter, which is usually meh for me. The mint cc is not minty enough, nor does it have enough chocolate chips, but the peanut butter is good.
something green at least
good lord, that’s the most appealing food pic they could come up with?
I have those too! I think, anyway. Even when I was regular I was bad at keeping track of symptoms but I seem to have period like symptoms approximately (?) once a month even if there’s no bleeding. Annoying but not as annoying as the whole shebang at least.