
I get you can’t touch anything.....but I mean...come on, who wouldn’t want to pick up one of those oversized weapons and attempt to flail it around while screaming at the stuffed Palico to bring me health.

I had fond memories of the Mario Tennis and Golf games since they were less intense versions of said sport game. As a kid, the combo of the two was a given success. Though nothing can beat early Party games.

I was a fan of the graphics and the surprisingly smart A.I. that wanted to avoid a bullet to the head. Gunplay was alright, but the story was a blah adventure that just suddenly ends. I’ll look forward to it, but the first taught me to watch my level of hype before release.

The one thing I give this game credit for is the art design for the entire series. Especially every place you visit. Locations are always fascinating to explore; from the Vault of Glass to the corrupt Warmind core in Wrath of the Machine to the supermassive Leviathan sucking up the beautifully odd Nessus.

Time to deliver a pizza ball

woops didnt mean to double post, meant to do the later one with the logo in it

Breath of the Wild West

This weird design thing bothered me as well. I was expecting a unique boss or character at certain areas then....see it’s a troll...another troll with another obelisk...It is my only gripe about the game. But then again, the series has reused enemies in the past.

I mean...that’s the risk of third-party tech no matter the system or electronics. Sure it beats the price but it’s because of risks like these that should make people pause to reaaaally think about it. While cheap on the immediate, it seems these docks will cost you way more in the long run, as such that is often the

There needs to be a stop to this. I get that there is always one person that ends up being the reason they get money, but geezus, this isn’t gaming. It’s just frustrating that this is the current gaming model.

If it helps....I laughed

Frozen hive? Like...(shrugs) how hard is it to introduce a new new race, not a sub-race, or them 5th race pyramid-ship dudes. It’s more tragic to see the current state of the game; I was a fan of the first.

Best wishes to Fahey

I watched them.....why did I do that? A question I’ll ask even in my grave.

Needs the bull spirit fuse-somethin’. Only one for me to plow through the game beginning to end.

That’s the perfect plan. Use NES cartridges that people would never play...

It was such a lofty promise of a game since D1. It was alright but definitely had potential for future stuff. But then Bungie somehow messed that up so so tragically with D2. And somehow they even manage to continue to be so...ignorant(?) oblivious to the fanbase and what makes a good game anymore. I sucked up the

When my PS4 broke when my dog knocked the stand down, I was so scared I lost my main Dark Souls 3 and Bloodbourne saves of over 500 hours combined. Thank goodness I had the pro account and it was backing my saves up every week. The Switch NEEDS something like this in this day n age.