
Wait. So people are upset watching an idiot play with other even bigger idiot? It’s not shocking nor should it been seen as such. Some streamers are fine, but most are just so tiring. Just exhausting solely by their attitudes.

I liked the whole cult vs instating the perfect americanized area that ends up blowing itself up. It’s always so fascinating when we are the monsters moreso than others and that’s why I’ve loved Farcry’s villains.

Ahh, I loved me some Runescape way back in the day, like earliest version of 2.0. Though I could never afford a basic monthly charge I had lots of fun with the base game.

World is the first MH game I’ve ever played it and i’m loving every second of it. The grind isn’t bad since it has use in making better equipment to take down larger/tougher monsters and you can see what you need to forge. It manages to scratch my Dark Souls scratch too since I loved co-oping bosses. And achievable

The camera thing is, I believe, to be one of the neatest things about the Labo thing. It brings out the infrared sensors capabilities and think you can create some awesome shots with it.

Find some crickets grounded into chocolate, kid you not it taste like almond

The dog in AsCred freaked me out more that it should have

ForgetMeNotR looks amazing to play. I may sacrifice the dough to simply get just that one part of the package. Pipsqueek looks neat; like stephen’s sausage roll

BF1 feels amazing to play no doubt. Aerial combat is still tight and responsive, as someone who tries to fly primarily the Warfighter felt wonderful. Yet, for some reason, I got turned off from it and got super bored. And I’m coming from countless hours of BF3. I think the leveling in 1 just didn’t feel rewarding in

I’m so conflicted with this. Like it’d disheartening and sad to hear that loot stuff cost him so much. On the other hand I can’t help but shake my head and wonder why no one taught him how to handle money better than shell it all on stuff. Either way, it further cements the disgust I have towards such randomized ways

I play purely for the pedometer aspect. Not being able to snag legondaries due to area really made the collect-a-thon aspect go on the back burner and I only care about keeping m favorites. Niantic is still a mess in terms of PR and managing to stiiiiill not seem to listen to common sense but at least this is better

I’ve a massive problem with people that blame ME:A on the graphics - this series is not super well known for character models! Sure it may not have been as grand as 2 or others, but compared to other GAMES, Andromeda would be considered great. It just sucks that people ragged on it before launched so so so badly. Sure

This is a weird game in which while D2 offers more on story it seems to reel back in content. I don’t know why but I am beyond bored with 2 and can’t keep running the same strike over and over and over

Hahaha how can one harm Nic Cage’s untouchable reputation? He’s fricking Nic Cage

This just has me think that Overwatch could be ported to mobile then

But I wanna know when Articuno is going to drop again... I was unlucky not to catch the darned thing

Due to Persona 4 Golden (since the original was on a yellow color scheme therefore 5 would see Crimson or something red-based) which added another character (which means another long plot thread to follow) and tried to fill in more improvements. Yea 5 is pretty complete and don’t think an actual Crimson version will

This is why I want to do interviews to normalize kink to everyone that sees it as weird. I’m into some stuff too but think that there should be bigger things to worry about instead of someone’s darn interest in foots. Now if he killed someone that’s different, but dude likes feet, so what?

The comic images reminds me of playing Adventure DX and they had a catalogue of different Sonic comics. Specifically I was enamored with the hundreds of types of Metal Sonics created (fav villain character for me)

Awww man I want one