
I mean, he’s 77 and Scottish. I enjoy the idea of right-wing culture warriors getting whiplash from his comments, but it’s not hard to believe his views are genuine and he’s too old to give a fuck what people online think.

Expect posthumous litigation shortly.

Why are you making out that his opinion is curmudgeonly and ‘edgelord’. Religion is bad. It had a use years ago before we knew stuff but is redundant now. We are shaking it off slowly and need to keep it away from government, education and life in general.

“the all-time master of curmudgeonly ranting”?

Canadian here. We are polite. If I stub my toe on a fire hydrant, my first reaction is to apologize to it..... But I’m always fucking late.

Culturally and socially, I can see why reasonable people can enjoy the church going experience, much like I can enjoy an MCU film. But, man, if you start acting like this either of those things are real, we can’t be friends.

It goes to show, if you want your superstition taken seriously, send knights to slaughter millions of innocent people until legitimacy is attained.

This has nothing to do with the story, but here goes anyway:

Lol, I will never stop finding it hilarious how certain corners of the internet are trying to push this “The Rock is a flop” narrative despite him being the highest paid movie star of the last 15 years, who just got paid 30 million dollars for like 5 episodes of work with WWE and is now more or less it’s figurehead.

The wonderful thing about averages is that on days he wasn’t on the call sheet he was 0 hours late. Days they weren’t filming? 0 hours late. Post-production? 0 hours late. His entire life before filming started? 0 hours late those days. It all averages out to <1 hour.


It’s ‘contrarian’ and ‘edgelord’ to champion critical thinking skills now? Sounds like something a rib bone would say.

Three sources, including one close to Seven Bucks, claimed Johnson averaged no more than an hour late to set.

Not to defend him but apart from the pee bottle thing most of the other things are stuff that applies to most high profile talent and their hangers-on. Not saying it’s good but it’s the reality of that industry.

An interminably long original article that has the following things to reveal:

I toss my piss bottles out the car window, but only because I’m trying to extinguish the cigarettes that other drivers throw out their windows.


I mean, the dude is Canadian. He’s genetically modified to be incredibly polite and kind. So to somehow piss HIM off (via impoliteness, which Canucks obviously cannot abide, in the form of being chronically late to work) seems pretty telling.

I’m reminded of an old quote from Charlton Heston (and I’m paraphrasing a bit here): “I never had any illusions about my ability as an actor, but I showed up sober & on time, had my lines memorized, I hit my marks, and I filled out a toga”.