Man, did they crib the canyon chase straight from Rango or what?
Man, did they crib the canyon chase straight from Rango or what?
The opening of School Days with Palin’s befuddled announcer is the best..
That Lyon is a tiger...
Unless you are under the balcony, then you are fucked..
I hope he does at least one more, I was really looking forward to another Evil Under the Sun adaption, and I wish he would have done that instead of this. Also, the diminishing returns for a full cast big name stars is hurting these big time - I should be at least excited for this as I was for Glass Onion based on…
I just watched this the other day, and have a question. Shouldn’t Elizabeth have been cursed (as quickly as Jack was) when she took her coin back from the chest after they tried her blood and it didn’t work?
I initially thought that as well, but you do get hippies and the counterculture, Sgt Pepper, anti-war protesters, etc, all thrown into the Moon Day Parade backdrop. But then they have to get out of the city and get to adventuring, and get to temples and jungles and the serial picture staples, and the opening ate up a…
It books the remains surprisingly frightening more than a century later.
At this point it seems like Pixar is going to turn my junk drawer into a movie.
Oh yeah, those are gonna get OLED burn in in about 6 months..
A scarves peddler’s dream come true...
France gonna France.
“Cap’ns gotta teach stuff!”