

He’s got his sandwich in one hand and the fuckin hat in the other! *snort snort snort*

Walsh and Harry Dean Stanton were the kings of the secondary character actor who you always are happy to see even in bit parts.  Of course his best is Blood Simple but even something as minor as his Jerk role is memorable as can be.  Sad to see him go.

RIP.   We never found out why he hated those cans.

“He’s a goddamn one man slaughterhouse, that’s what he is.”

I was always happy to see him pop up in something. So talented and the dude’s filmography was crazy and varied. Critters, A Time to Kill, Fletch, Serpico, Harry and the Hendersons, Missing in Action, Home Improvement, one of those Airport movies, The Pope of Greenwich Village, Coen Bros movies, the X-Files, the

Alternatively: none of them should, because it gives easy leeway to alter the First.

at this point i will 100% take a greatest hits Alien(s) remix. i realize the irony in having made the opposite complaint about Star Wars, but at this point we could really just use a solid horror thriller with xenomorphs.

yeah…that shot near the end of the door opening with the backlight and wind was just pulled right out of Aliens. really turned me off for how much it felt like it meant like i was supposed to be pumping my fist.

Annie” got mostly 3 star reviews, but it went way over budget. Iirc it broke even-ish. It’s a fine enough version.

Now playing

‘”On the other hand, McGregor can’t create anything out of his first acting part. Not only can’t he act, he can’t dance, he can’t move, and worst of all, can’t deliver dialogue.”’

Don’t forget all the 1960s sitcoms! I’m solidly GenX, but I can describe most of the episodes of Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, and Gilligan’s Island to this day due to repeated exposure.

Jason Momoa as Bluto

It made 2 1/2 times its budget, (20 mill vs 50 million) which for 1980, was pretty impressive. ESPECIALLY when you consider it was a musical. Pirates of Penzance, as a comparison, made 700k (not sure as to its budget). Little Shop of Horrors made 39 million on a 30 million budget.
Jesus Christ Superstar, while it only

Anya Taylor-Joy as Olive Oyl.  Willem Dafoe as the Sea Hag.

You don’t have to like the guy, but I think Liman directing Edge of Tomorrow and The Bourne Identity immediately disqualifies him from ‘hack’ status

Jake Gyllenhaal strikes me as a weird little theatre imp (in a positive way) who also happens to be willing to be superhero buff. I’d disagree with people who say he doesn’t have charisma, but it’s a more malovelent, mischievous charisma - his intensity in films like Zodiac or Nightcrawler is amazing, and then on the