
Fucking shoes, man!   I can barely get 400 miles on my running shoes and don’t even get me started on my work boots!

Save a couple of hundred dollars a year in fuel to give it back in tires, what is the EV value prop again? Or has it shifted to something else already?

I’m not crazy about watching season two, if it bleeds right into the game sequel. I tried it. Tonally, it’s like either watching someone get their head beaten in with a cinder block, or doing that sort of thing in-game. 

Yet another blow to the environmentally friendly reputation of EVs. Something very few people talk about is the devastating impact tire debris has on the environment. Heavier vehicles = more tire wear.

I’m honestly surprised that with the rise in concern for microplastics—and that tires appear to be a major source of them—hasn’t lead to calls for improvements on how we contain them from roads, or reduce them from being generated in the first place. I fully support more EV’s, but the fact they wear out tires faster

Liman was told if he made a great film, a theatrical release wasn’t out of the question.”

Yep. The heat death of Kinja continues. Sad.

I don’t think he has the same name recognition as either of them, Helms in particular. He was in a hugely popular long-running broadcast sitcom (when that was still a thing) and a hugely popular studio comedy film franchise (when that was still a thing). I don’t know if “currently more visible” makes much of a

I remember my ears ringing after wobbling out of the theater.  IT. WAS. LOUD.

We are experiencing Late-Stage Kinja.

Turtles all the way down.

If they promised him a theatrical release then he has a real beef. But maybe a remake of a cheesy 80's action film that most people saw on VHS or cable is not the hill to die on.

The A.V. Club has reached out to Amazon for comment.

Road House!

Headline: Doug Liman Boycotts “Road House” Premiere Because of Streaming

The only thing I care about is avatar. No. Not the movie. Give me back my effin’ avatar!

Tell me the date that Jon Stewart last hosted and I’ll tell you the date I stopped watching. I’ll be tuning in on Mondays now.

The show (which is the blueprint for modern late night television) was built by Stewart. Trevor Noah did a good job but it just wasn’t the same.

Is anyone under 60 or outside of a waiting room watching these shows?