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agreed. I cannot understand the attraction of being on a mega cruise ship at all. I had visions of the cheeseball movie “the Big Bus” when I suggested the nuclear option:

I don’t get the appeal either.

Typical environmentalist telling me what I need and what I don’t need, then backing his argument with specious information - your headline addresses the carbon emissions horror of the Icon of the Seas, yet you want to talk about the soot generated by all those bunker-fueled ships.

7,600 guests (plus 2,350 crew)

I used to think Idiocracy was our inevitable future, but now I’m convinced WALL-E nailed it.

This used to be a great site...

Gee I know - lets do nothing - no emissions, no cars, no motorbikes, no planes, no cruises, no oil tankers, - nothing zero - zero emissions.. zero existence.. oh I get it... a cruise ship is a fine example of capitalitism.. Western decadence.. etc etc. I have been on two and wont be getting on another soon - its not

May it sink on its maiden voyage.

Arguments can be had about the emissions and environmental impact of cruise ships (I mean, just look at this comments thread), but when I look at that thing, all I see is a giant floating petri dish. Just imagine all of the STDs and other diseases that’ll be stewing onboard. Nope, not for me. I’ll stay home, thank you.

Cry liberal cry. So tired of whiny articles

Speaking of the Titanic, are those yellow things on the side lifeboats?

Just because it’s an ocean vessel, that doesn’t mean the designers needed to place a giant jellyfish on top of it

Lawless Floating Diarrhea Factories that are also bad for the environment and local communities where they dock.

If you ever went to Crowed Walmart and said, “I want to spend a week with these people,” then cruises are for you!

Come for the onboard rollercoaster, methane emissions, ten thousand people on a ship and the overpriced open bar, stay for the norovirus and covid outbreaks!

I am not a fan of cruise ships but I do think that this needs some more thinking.

Look I’m as center left as the next guy but the amount of virtue signaling and just perceived nastiness and hostility in your almost every single article...makes me question who runs the joint at Jalopnik. They really need to fire you so you can go write for Huffington Post.  I’ll just read The Autopian. 

I was not expecting to be as stoked about this as I am, but I REALLY want to play this.

It’s just missing a bit of turndown at the front. And wear and tear.