
Way way back, I couldn’t understand why my wife hated Blazing Saddles. Eventually, it came to light hat she had only ever seen the local UHF Saturday afternoon movie version.

I haven’t seen an uncut version of Blazing Saddles in forever and I am looking forward to it. It really isn’t the same movie on network TV or basic cable. We recently watched Spaceballs on BBCA and half my favorite jokes were cut for either time or crudeness. It was disappointing.

My contrarian viewpoint- Blazing Saddles is Brooks’ #2 masterpiece, behind Young Frankenstein. The Producers is a distant 3rd.

Lords of Flatbush, The Wandereres, heck even a kid in the 70's I thought the 50's was the greatest decade ever. I named my first pet (a dog) Fonzy.

This is very cool .... looking forward to more. Great to see Blazing Saddles on the list.1974 isn’t complete without it. Parents unknowingly took me to see it in theatre when I was 9; we all loved it though.

I like the idea of preserving much better than the idea of making media disappear forever simply for a quick tax break.

Seeing him first as Willy Wonka, Gene Wilder was the reason I watched The Little Prince.

how did this bomb so badly?

I finally saw it on Disney Plus last night, and it was pretty much what I expected based on what I’d heard: it wasn’t horrible.

It was a weird decision to rely quite so much on nostalgia for the original whilst seemingly being unaware that the original was a comedy.

I only got around watching DoD recently and honestly, I didn’t think I could dislike an Indiana Jones movie more than Crystal Skull but I was wrong. My biggest gripe is probably, that they gave Indy an arc that started with him at a worse spot than where he was left off in CS and ended at the same or worse place than

Indy was a 70 year old man who had been shot in the chest. Helena was young and used to fighting. Surprising but not all that weird to me

Easily the worst Indiana Jones movie of them all. The tone of the movie is all over the place and my god they could not have picked more unlikeable characters to pair with Indy. Teddy is a an obnoxious little shit that should have been cut from the entire film and Helena Shaw is so unlikeable in the movie that I was

oof yeah absolutely that on Afterlife. Heck, I was even on board with what they were doing at the start... ah well.

In a way I didn’t want to do the kind of ‘Is it a Death Star again?’

So I was right to fear thry would pull a Ghostbusters: Afterlife on us (yeah, I was very much not a fan of that movie).

And first, too!

Yeah, I had a lot of problems with the movie (especially the really sloggy middle hour and change), but the ending was great.

“Is it a Death Star again?”

I’ve been an Indy fan since the moment I saw Raiders in 1981.