
Digital media is something a consumer can rent/lease, but never own. I always approach it with that mindset - I am not buying this game, I am renting it for an indefinite term. If the concept of ownership is important to you, buy physical (if available) and if not, then adjust your expectations.

I have only ever once purchased a digital film, and that was because i got £10 credit from LG with a TV i purchased over 12 years ago, after 6 years they shut the film service, and refunded me my £10 as cash, which was nice, but if you dont physically own it you dont own it.

Buy physical. Always. 

Gosh, who could have seen this entirely unexpected and not at all totally obvious turn of events coming

I doubt even the most militant vegan truly believes there’s zero cruelty or incidental death caused by growing food they eat.

We need to rise up against this shit. Seriously, this is the corporation outright stealing from the consumer and no one should stand for it for one second.

Seriously, we all need to stop paying for digital-only content. If companies can just rip it out of our hands, then we have to return to buying physical media and protect our investment. We are being scammed day in and day out.

Oh look, the main thing that people have been saying as to why you should always aim for physical media over streaming. The thing these companies have said “Oh no, we wouldn’t do that!” about.

It's almost as if the film and video game industry WANT people to pirate things. They are doing everything they can to take ownership away from us... Other than streaming services is ANYONE comfortable actually buying a piece of DRM media? I know I am not. 

If buying isn’t owning, then Piracy isn’t theft.

I’m glad I invested in a 500-sleve CD case a couple of years back. That way I can keep my physical media, and free up the space my physical media would take up. Only Blu-Ray cases I kept were my Criterion Collection ones, just because I feel it would be a sin to throw out such cool cases.

I’m gonna say I feel bad, and at the same time I’m gonna say “are you surprised?”

They feel zero guilt in taking from you what you’ve paid for, and I feel zero guilt pirating for m them what they’ve paid for. It’s perfect in every respect. Their T+C allow them this right. My T+C allow me to give zero sh!ts. Win win.

Now, I’m not necessarily gonna say connecting your digital media device into an external DVD burner is a good idea...but I’m also not gonna say it’s not a good idea....

I feel bad for the people affected, but seeing consequences like this is an important warning as we march towards digital.

Music is widely available DRM-free but for movies you’re still dealing with DRM for blu-ray copies. Personally I couldn’t imagine buying DVD these days. 1080p to 4K is less of a noticeable difference but DVD to blu-ray is big. Also, infinite copies isn’t very practical. Go digital, run a file system with bit rot

Piracy rules. Pirates are literally better curators of content than any of the companies that actually own it. Streaming is just renting. I feel bad for people who have built up paid digital libraries.

Wow. It’s almost as though physical media aficionados have been saying for years that situations like this are an obvious outcome to an all digital future.

At least you can burn CDs/DVDs and make infinite copies. 

Firstly, my condolences to those affected: this is awful crap.