
I feel like if I can forgive Mad Max 3, I can forgive this.  And I can forgive Mad Max 3.

Well it’s not going to work without him if they don’t even have the balls to leave him out of the title

Well I absolutely despise that title.

But otherwise, okay? I dunno. I trust Miller. But when I got excited for a Furiosa movie after Fury Road came out... what I really meant was a Charlize Theron movie. I’m not sold on whatever this is yet.

The (relatively few) blatantly CGI bits of Fury Road were also the least convincing parts, and thankfully they were rare, as well as completely irrelevant against the backdrop of such an awesome movie. I’m not worried about that.

Meh. Just my reaction to the trailer. It made the post-apocalyptic grunge Australian future look so shiny and clean. They don’t look filthy, they look like they’re going to a Mad Max cosplay convention. In the post-apocalyptic future, everyone has their own costume coordinator. Make-up artists are available to make

No, no, under the oversight of Minister of Finance Bandit Heeler, Australia changed currency from the Dollarydoo to the Dollarbuck several years back.

I see you’ve played billy-coiny before.

our OG trojan horse of a feminist filmmaker.


Considering Miller’s age, I’m just happy he had one more of these left in him.

Mad Max has hardly been the central character of any Mad Max movies, and this looks super legit. This will bring me back to theaters.

I love this series, especially the first game, but I don’t feel obligated to play the remasters or remakes and tbh I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. I think they are just a more pleasant and accessible way for newcomers who want to play the games, especially those coming from the tv series.

Only quibble with the Uncharted series is how he/they can mow down a damn near army of opponents and then banter like they’re cooking burgers on the back porch in summer time. I could never grok to them as feel-good every guys/gal characters. They’re completely remorseless killers. Fun games, but still.....

This is the biggest point of the fatigue. They ended the uncharted series saying they were starting work on a new IP. So when all we get out of the studio that has produced some of the biggest AAA cinematic games is remake after remake, the good will starts to wear thin. I think if they had something that was truly

You have to think that there are developers at Naughty Dog who have their own vision for a new game, but are locked into a vicious cycle of remakes and remasters.

I played some of the first game, and I admit I just wasn’t very good at it. And on top of that everything about the world is just so miserable that I don’t have much motivation to try and push through. Especially not for a sequel which is by all accounts even more miserable than the first one!

I’ve only played a third or so of the first game, and I wasn’t impressed. I’m sure the narrative is great or whatever, but the gameplay itself is pretty rote. I felt like I was being pranked when I first played it. After sitting through seemingly an hour of poorly paced cutscene, I finally get to play, and it’s just a

More rereleases than entries is a huge red flag

Never having played the sequel, is Ellies guitar so distinct that it would make sense to pay $2000 for a replica

You know you don’t have to engage with content you don’t want to right? Maybe those remasters aren’t for the fanboys with posters of the characters on their wall, but instead for those who weren’t into it last time and now have another reason/chance to get into it.