
Yeah, we’re a bunch of ignorant cunts in America. 

Antony Starr got hilariously sweary

I like that he keeps his American accent right up until he gets way high and then slips back to his normal New Zealand accent. You know that’s when he was really feeling it and was having a hard time keeping composed.

Without Hell House, I’d argue that there would be no Poltergeist, no The Conjuring, no Insidious.

I adored the Hell House movie, it just gets right down to business off the top and gets you inside with a minimum of fuss.  Tremendously creepy, sort of an edgier version of 1963's The Haunting(wonderful in it’s own right).  

Maybe he should do a show about a haunted streaming service where almost every series is cancelled after two seasons instead.

I remember when I stopped reading X-Men comics when Jean Grey died the...12th time? I think she has died 16.  I am not sure but I just couldn’t anymore. 

Scorsese probably doesn’t care to get involved”

They should have never killed off Tony Stark/Iron Man in this matter and they killed off Captain America way too soon. The decline started right there.

The MCU doesn’t even need someone as idiosyncratic as Matt Reeves or Martin Scorsese. They just need to trust the directors and screenwriters they hire. Quantumania boasted a writer who’s a Rick and Morty alum, and the only thing Rick and Morty-ish in the movie was a few jokes from William Jackson Harper’s character.

The AV Club overlords also don’t want to pay writers to review every episode, which was the reason I came to the AV Club in the first place.

while not untrue, the fact that it was just a little thing in the background is why it worked.

It’s not incels, it’s the general public. I just don’t think women in general are that interested in watching female led superhero movies. I do think they will go out to see a movie with muscular men though and there’s nothing wrong with that.

for me, personally, the disney+ stuff just ruined the whole operation.

It’s not just major events and soft reboots readers are rejecting. It’s the constant LGBT pandering too. The recent gay Superman and Green Lantern comics were dismal failures, sales-wise.

I’m incredibly bored watching characters shoot energy beams. I miss the early days when Iron Man’s suit had to make power compromises and fired rockets. I get that Marvel feels like they have to keep upping the stakes, but you’re right, all the universe destroying stuff somehow just feels so inconsequential.

Am I alone in just not finding the villains in the Captain Marvel stories all that interesting?  After the thrill of the bus scene where anyone could be a threat, I just didn’t really get all that worked up for them.  Tried to watch Secret Invasion but just couldn’t get interested.  Could that account for the lack of

Funny how ya’ll just skip over GOTG3 like it didn’t happen.
Funny enough that when that movie came out, the show at the time was awful.
And now Loki did amazing TV.
Just seems to me that if you’re going actually talk about the state of the MCU, talk about the whole damn state.
If you only focus on Florida, of course

I mean, just look at the upcoming offerings. It’s one lackluster offering after another:

Would like to see a hard reset. Instead of the Avengers, build up X-Men or F4. Don’t use legacy actors, start afresh. The beauty of the original X-Men and Iron Man movies was we didn’t know what to expect, what the actors would bring. Using legacy actors or bringing back Thor for a 5th time takes that away.