
Yeah, it’s really odd. Seems like they could’ve just cribbed a villain from Nova or Silver Surfer if this were the only other option. Hell, toss in some momentarily hobbled Beyonder as set-up for Secret Wars or some other Starlin b-side character. The bench is really deep when you’ve already turned the freaking GOTG

Uhh... “everywhere” else?

Why would they give a $270 million blockbuster tentpole film in the most popular franchise in history to a director who has only released one critically acclaimed indie drama and one thoroughly mediocre horror reboot?

Even that header image looks lifeless, dour, and AI generated.

...a diversion to a planet where everyone communicates through the medium of song

also, if you’re gonna go with someone obscure, maybe make some effort in the marketing to sell me on them? i wasn’t even aware the character was in the movie until the most recent trailer.

Still just pretending that Variety article is anything more than a bunch of unsourced gossip, huh?

So cool that they made the villian’s character a woman too! Such a brave, interesting choice that no one has ever thought of.

Dar-Benn, why? A character with 2(?) appearances, who died nearly immediately. Why are they shying away from villains people want to see? Marvel Cosmic is stacked with great villains! Use them!

So, what we’re learning here is that the true heroes of the MCU, Sarah Halley Finn and the casting department, remained stellar. As disappointing as The Dark World was, the casting allowed for the movie to survive based on the quality of the performances.

I never disliked Dark World as much as others, but then again, Thor and Loki have always been my favorites in the MCU (now joined by Dr. Strange and Shang-Chi). I also really enjoyed Multiverse of Madness.

This is the most accurate description of a boat launch I’ve ever read.

Counterpoint: yes it is still truly the worst of the MCU. All those other movies mentioned are inherently rewatchable. Black Widow had solid performances, chemistry, and action, just a stupid third act. Ultron gets better the further removed it is from the first Avengers, of which it’s basically a copy of. But with

The emergence of social media 2.0 (especially reddit) about 6 years later breathed new life into the Prequels in the form of great memes. Also, a fondness for the good parts like the worldbuilding and Space Jesus Ewan McGregor overshadowed the mechanical failures of the films.

The Prequels are amazing.

It’s still the worst for me. Remember them turning Stellan Skarsgard’s regular scientist character into a weird joke character who forgets to wear pants, because he’s some absent minded professor cartoon character? Just an absolutely miserable attempt at humor. And then they tried to retcon it as being PTSD in one of

“Is it really worse than, say, Black Widow and Eternals and Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness and Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania and Thor: Love And Thunder and Avengers: Age Of Ultron?”

Boat dock watching is one of my favorite pastimes. Up there with people watching at the airport.

Anyone with an inkling of New York society or real estate knew the guy was an utter clownshoe. Hell, every contractor in the city and the surrounding state wouldn’t touch a property of his (and his shell companies) with a 10 foot cattle prod because he NEVER paid. There are lawyer firms that won’t even let him through

I wish I could go back 30 or so years to the time when everyone knew Trump was a conman and most people thought of him as a clown. I’ll never forgive Mark Burnett for creating The Apprentice and rehabbing Trump’s image as a savvy businessman.