
For being a car enthusiast website y'all are some straight tree hugging dirt hippies ✌️

What will the cost be when the batteries no longer hold a charge? The whole vehicle will be trash as buying a replacement power pack for an EV (which won’t be subsided) will be prohibitive. Then comes the issue of disposal. An EV will be more consumable, causing much more waste than a petrol powered vehicle. How do

And if you bought your own it would disappear in short order.

Same thing happened to me in GTA.

“But I luv him...”

But that’s the best kind of correct!

70% of Americans don’t want EVs. We don’t have homes with garages and an extra $10-15k sitting around for upgraded electrical service and a charger.

Too bad that cuts off a few seconds before the punch line. “How was your day?” “It was okay.  Fell off the jetway again.”

The Official Airline of Raymond Babbitt

I’m shocked she was charged with possession, I would have thought she would have smoked ALL of her weed before pulling a dipshit stunt like this

Who here remembers when Jalopnik was a car enthusiast blog? I mean before it became the huffington post for people who kinda sorta love-hate cars.

Thats why so many people are leaving over regulated states like commie California and the shit hole state new york for texas and Florida. But keep living in your world of unicorns.

Evelyn needs some green pants to really sell this better....

Welcome to New York, fuck you pal.

Boo-hoo. Electric fanboys are mad because the petroleum industry can make up a bunch of fake data and claims just like they have done for over a decade. Li-po is not recyclable, batteries don’t magically last 20-30 years, people barely own BEVs long enough to reach “carbon parity”, let alone actually net cost savings,

Everyone needs a hobby.

Thanks in no small part to the “reliability” of their own private power grid. Buddy works in Houston as a roofer that installs solar. After their 2 week freeze, he got about 5 years of installs scheduled.  There is no state incentives last i heard from texas. 

Sex work is a perfectly acceptable profession (so long as a person gets to willingly choose it and have control of their clientele). The authors of that paper are just greedy assholes who find it easier to lie to the public than adjust how they make money.

And the third-highest consumer of electric vehicles after California and Florida.

Things are never as simple as some people make it out to be.