
No, they are definitely not higher for girls in any age category or any ethnicity.

I don't know where you read that suicide rates are higher for girls, but I think you may have misread it.

As a white guy I agree that a black child doesn’t necessarily need to see a therapist of the same race, but do expect that it would be more effective in addressing the issues discussed in this article. So that four percent issue needs attention. This seems like a ready-made situation for offering scholarships for

Suicide rates are much higher for boys than for girls.

White men commit sucide at a much higher rate than both Black people and women. I suppose that’s their fault though. Excess stress from doing all that oppressing all the time...

Suicide rates are higher for girls than boys in general, so the fact that they would be higher for black girls isn’t particularly surprising and the cause is likely similar to increasing suicide rates in general. Social media is pretty squarely to blame for the massive rise in suicide rates for girls. Address that

It feels a little unfair to compare The Boys to those.

To paraphrase the quote of the great J Michael Straczynski

I’m curious to know why you consider The Boys explicitly satire and “never/rarely” parody. I think its nature as an open-ended serialized story naturally lends itself to mixing both. I mean things like “Dawn of the Seven” seems like a pretty clear parody of Batman v Superman/Justice League. That’s just one example

Starr is sooo good in the show.

As Starship Troopers proved, no matter how obvious and clear a Satire is there will always be people who take it at face value.

Murray got lost on his way to the Air&Space museum.

Trump definitely had to have called him “Mike Pillow” at least, like 6000 times, right?

Every time this guy gets worked up about something I just imagine how frustrated he must be with the Pink Panther.

Right; they stopped selling it in stores because it was one of their best selling items. 

Now he’ll have more time to assemble evidence of fraud in the election, which I thought he was planning on releasing soon.

Was I the only one who got very strong Superman: the Movie vibes from that rescue on the side of the building? From the shots of the pedestrians looking up to the shots of the curtain rods pulling out just like Lois’s helicopter slowly came all seemed very close. Which is a good thing!

This is a kinda weird read of the character. Isn’t he an orphan who is pretty much defacto adopted by her family? Kamala’s mom sends him home with food for himself and his grandma, who is implied to be his only family. It’s not weird he’s picked up a bit of their language and texts her.

Buuuutttt that also means he’s

A person owning two places means there’s always an empty home that someone else could use.

That bastard.  ;-)